Purdue Today. 150 Years of Giant Leaps

October 11, 2019

Current web edition

Faculty and Staff News

Purdue United Way Campaign climbing toward goal

At the midpoint of the 2019 campaign, Purdue United Way is continuing to work toward its fundraising goal of $800,000. As of Wednesday (Oct. 9), the campaign had raised $392,948, or 49% of the goal. Campaign leaders hope to reach this year’s goal by Nov. 20, which is the day of Purdue’s victory celebration.

Things to Do

Discovery Park Undergraduate Research Internship program faculty proposals due Oct. 18
Library Scholars Grant proposal deadline Nov. 8

In the Spotlight

Purdue birthday video

Video: Happy 150th Birthday, Purdue!

Purdue faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends are invited to the West Lafayette campus Friday and Saturday (Oct. 11-12) to celebrate the conclusion of the University's 150th anniversary celebration and Giant Leaps campaign. A roundup of activities is available here.

Additional News

Purdue astronauts

Meet Purdue's alumni
astronauts on Saturday

An astronaut reunion will take place during October’s Homecoming festivities to celebrate the end of Purdue’s sesquicentennial, "150 Years of Giant Leaps.” The public is welcome to attend a meet and greet with the astronauts 9:30-10:30 a.m. on Saturday (Oct. 12) at Homecoming Tent Row, located near the Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering.

Jeff Brohm

Purdue to face Maryland
for Homecoming game

Purdue football will take on Maryland during its Homecoming game on Saturday (Oct. 12) at Ross-Ade Stadium. Kickoff is set for noon. The Boilermaker football team will wear a custom moon-inspired helmet and astronaut-themed patch for the game to honor Purdue's Cradle of Astronauts tradition. Tickets | Game notes | More gameday activities


One day, a plane could give you flying lessons
Purdue Human Research Protection Program obtains accreditation by AAHRPP


This Week's Events
Next Four Weeks
Don't Miss It!
Lectures and Speakers

Other Events

Weather postpones today’s State Street Dedication and Discovery Park District Launch
NASA's Journey to Tomorrow exhibit trailer at Purdue today and Saturday

Purdue in the News

Here is a sampling of recent news reports about Purdue from media across the nation and the world.

Forbes: How Purdue created one of 2019’s most unique alternate uniforms: Saturday’s astronaut tribute
Design News: Nanotechnology eyed for longer battery life, faster charging
Lafayette Journal & Courier: 5 things Condoleezza Rice told Mitch Daniels on her visit to Purdue
Inside INdiana Business, WLFI: Purdue Foundry hosts ‘The Big Show’ Thursday night
150 years of giant leaps
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Purdue Today is the official Purdue University communication for faculty and staff