Purdue Today.

May 13, 2020

Current web edition

Faculty and Staff News

Update: Blackboard student data now automatically archived

A new process eliminates the need for faculty to archive their own student grade data from Blackboard, as Purdue prepares to move to D2L Brightspace.

Things to Know

Things you need to know about COVID-19
Purdue Today summer schedule

In the Spotlight

Susie Swithers

Murphy Award winner: Susie Swithers

Susie Swithers, professor of neuroscience and behavior in the Department of Psychological Sciences, has a big goal in teaching: to get her students to understand and think critically about the science they’re exposed to and how that science gets interpreted in ways that affect their lives.

Additional News

McCann in forested area

Can renewable energy replace fossil fuels?

As global temperatures and energy demand rise simultaneously, the search for sustainable fuel sources is more urgent than ever. But how can renewable energy possibly scale up to replace the vast quantities of oil and gas we consume? Plant power is a significant piece of the answer, says Purdue scientist Maureen McCann.

Geoff Gooch preparing stage lights

The making of Purdue’s remote commencement

The more things change, the more they stay the same. When President Mitch Daniels announced on March 17 that this spring’s commencement ceremonies would not take place in-person due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he declared, “If we can’t put on the nation’s best traditional ceremony, then we’ll produce the best remote one.” Photo gallery | Video | Story


Bindley Bioscience Center collaborates with Bangalore-based company on COVID-19 research
A wearable device may help prevent unexpected death in epilepsy


Today's Top 5 from Purdue University


Academic All-Big Ten honors announced for winter sports season

Bringing Our Best

Krannert, Kelley business schools work to manage surge of COVID-19 patients

Faculty at two of Indiana’s leading business schools at Indiana and Purdue universities are collaborating on a project with IU Health to help the health care provider manage the COVID-19 demand surge in its 16 hospitals across five regions of the state. Professor Pengyi Shi (right) led the patient-flow workload team.

Pengyi Shi

* Submit a "Thumbs Up" or send a story idea for "Bringing Our Best" to PurdueToday@purdue.edu to share how Purdue University is a community that is persistent in its pursuit to build a better world together, especially during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Virtual events this week
Events information

Purdue in the News

Here is a sampling of recent news reports about Purdue from media across the nation and the world.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Having a beef with meat taxes: Toward optimal meat consumption
IEEE Spectrum: New software streams apps to save space on your phone
WTHR: Purdue to release on-demand commencement, celebrate graduates amid global pandemic
Purdue Today is the official Purdue University communication for faculty and staff