Purdue University and Duke Energy on Thursday (April 6) reported excellent progress on the exploration into the feasibility of using advanced nuclear technology to meet the long-term energy needs of the Purdue West Lafayette campus, with plans to release their findings on this portion of the project in the coming weeks.
Purdue engineers and entomologists are making some sweet discoveries about how honeybees build and structure their honeycombs, which could lead to new fabrication techniques taken from the buzzing builders. Nikhilesh Chawla, the Ransburg Professor of Materials Engineering at Purdue, is one of the first to utilize four-dimensional (4D) imaging to delve further into the complexities of the honeycomb.
Every spring, Purdue University honors instructors who go above and beyond to provide exceptional educational experiences. The 2023 winners were surprised in their classrooms from March 20-27, receiving one of three honors: the Charles B. Murphy Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, the Exceptional Early Career Teaching Award or the Excellence in Instruction Award for Lecturers. See professors’ families, colleagues and students celebrate with them in these photos and video.
A new episode of “This Is Purdue” features Purdue alumnus David Graves, the president of Pizza Hut U.S., one of America’s largest pizza chains. Graves describes how Purdue prepared him with the persistence and perseverance needed to innovate multiple global brands.
The Purdue Office of Undergraduate Research and sponsoring academic units are seeking faculty, staff, post-docs and graduate students to help evaluate posters, talks and virtual presentations for the Purdue Spring Undergraduate Research Conference. This year’s conference, which takes place April 10-14 and is open to the public, will include posters and research talks representing all academic colleges and schools with over 550 presentations.
Seventeen projects are under review as year two kicks off for the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Regional Hub Network – Midwest at Purdue University, a program announced last year to use research, science and workforce development of the private sector to speed innovations.
When I had trouble with my laptop and called the help desk, Colton Dreher (College of Health and Human Sciences) was very kind and quick to help. I appreciate his kindness in providing me a loaner laptop to use while he efficiently updated my drivers, solving the issue. His knowledge, professionalism and positive attitude are appreciated immensely. He also helped me out with another user error issue in a very gracious way. Thank you so much. – Tricia Johnson (Human Development and Family Science)