Purdue’s emergence as a leader in semiconductor chips also requires it to usher in a new level of security that protects those essential chips needed for everything from your car and cellphone to artificial intelligence and machine learning. The Center for Secure Microelectronics Ecosystem at Purdue is tackling that challenge by developing the latest advances to protect today’s and tomorrow’s microelectronics and semiconductors.
Purdue’s recently launched eXcellence in Manufacturing and Operations Purdue Engineering Initiative, or XMO PEI, is positioned to strengthen the U.S. advanced manufacturing industry’s adaptability for the 21st century across multiple sectors, such as semiconductors, aerospace, defense, biomanufacturing for agriculture, and transportation. The XMO initiative is building a national coalition of academia, government and industry partners to meet at the intersection of physical, digital and sustainable manufacturing to achieve excellence at scale.
Registration is available for faculty to attend the Westwood Lecture Series Oct. 18. Songlin Fei, professor and Dean’s Chair of Remote Sensing, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, will discuss “A Digital Revolution in Forestry: AI and Lasers and Digital Twins, Oh My!” from 4:30-5:30 p.m. at Westwood, the Purdue president’s residence.
Purdue University health sciences professor Aaron Bowman, currently head of the School of Health Sciences, has been appointed interim dean of Purdue’s College of Health and Human Sciences, effective Nov. 1. He will replace Marion Underwood, who was announced Tuesday (Oct. 3) as the next provost and executive vice president of academic affairs at Colorado State University.