Associate professor, educational administration
(765) 494-0319
Research focuses on school finance and related policy issues. Also investigates special education administration, finance and law.
Associate professor, special education
(765) 494-7335
Studies the development of social-communicative interaction and problem-solving skills by individuals with severe disabilities. Researches ways to increase the independence of such persons and to encourage their participation in educational, vocational and community activities.
Professor, special education
(765) 494-7346
Nationally recognized authority on learning disabilities. Research focuses on learning and memory of students with mild disabilities, as well as effective teaching and mainstreaming strategies. Is co-editor of the journal Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities and is on editorial boards of seven other journals on special education and educational psychology.
Studies talent development, gifted education, learning and instruction, classroom dynamics, family psychology, and research design. Research has focused on development and evaluation of programs for talented students; the characteristics of gifted children who also have learning disabilities or attention deficit disorder; and talent development across the life span. Is a member of the executive board of the research and evaluation division of the National Association for Gifted Children.
Nationally recognized expert in learning disabilities. Studies learning and memory of children with mild disabilities, effective teaching strategies and effective mainstreaming strategies. Is co-editor of the journal Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities.
Professor, special education and psychology
(765) 494-7347
Nationally recognized authority on hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. Research focuses on seriously emotionally handicapped children, particularly those who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Purdue News Service: (765) 494-2096; e-mail,