Setting Expectations & Assessing Performance Issues

Provided by: Coursera

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. One of the most important roles of a manager is to ensure everyone knows the destination. The most effective managers set expectations and assess their employees’ performance against those expectations, and take a coaching approach to helping them get to the destination.

Course Objectives:

  • To explore how to collaboratively develop expectations with those you lead. To learn how to use "Coaching Algebra" to determine the underlying issues that are impeding performance, and how to respond as a manger-coach.

Recommended Background

  • Recommended for new and experienced leaders and managers at all levels.

Course ID


Skill Focus




Employee Type

Leadership, Change leaders, 1st level Supervisor

Method of Delivery


Estimated Effort

18 hrs


Contact for Pricing

Can audit for free (no certification); Full Financial Aid Available for Certification