Big Data Strategies to Transform Your Business

Provided by: edX

The course will build on the concepts of product life cycles, the business model canvas, organizational theory and Onlineized management jobs (such as Chief Online Officer or Chief Informatics Officer) to help you find the best way to deal with and benefit from big data induced changes.

Course Objectives:

  • Identify the stakeholders and characteristics of your sector in the era of big data
  • Identify potential big data induced changes in strategy, business model, organization and job descriptions
  • Substantially change existing strategy, business model, organization or adopt new ones as required. Find and develop strategically important tasks for yourself in your organization.

Recommended Background

  • Recommended for leaders,senior managers

Course ID


Skill Focus




Employee Type

Leadership, Change Leaders

Method of Delivery


Estimated Effort

60 hrs


Contact for Pricing

Certification is paid for $ 50.00 ; Full financial aid available for certification