Business Considerations for 5G, IoT and AI

Provided by: edX

Managers and their technical partners will be the ones to build the next great innovations based on the capabilities of 5G - but in order to do so, they require a fundamental understanding of the market pressures and a basic understanding of the technologies driving this shift - technologies like Edge computing, IoT and AI. Students of this course will walk away with the knowledge needed to put 5G to work in their businesses, empowering them to lead their teams into the future. With these tools, they will be recognized within their organizations as experts on the modernization of business networks.

Course Objectives:

  • Discern between the hype and real opportunities of 5G technologies
  • Understand where we are in the 5G rollout and what to expect next
  • Gain an understanding of how 5G will impact your business
  • Understand the technologies driving network modernization
  • Learn what use cases apply to your business for optimizing customer experience and hyper-personalization and for improving operational efficiency and scalability
  • Begin to take the first steps towards building and executing a transition strategy that prepares your business for the 5G future.

Recommended Background

  • Recommended for technical managers and individuals interested in learning about 5G capabilities.

Course ID


Skill Focus




Employee Type

Leadership, Change Leaders

Method of Delivery


Estimated Effort

12 hrs


Contact for Pricing

Certification is paid for $ 199.00 ; Full financial aid available for certification