The class Personal Protective Equipment 111 introduces the purpose and uses of personal protective equipment (PPE). As defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), PPE minimizes exposure to hazards and helps prevent injury. PPE is available in several types, designs, and materials to suit a range of workplace conditions and hazards. PPE may be categorized by the area of the body it protects. Every employer is responsible for providing the appropriate PPE for employees who require it, and it is every employee’s responsibility to properly wear and use PPE correctly. In order to select appropriate PPE, employers must first evaluate the workplace with a hazard assessment. After taking this class, users should be able to identify several common types of PPE, as well as the hazards and conditions associated with each type. Proper knowledge and use of PPE can greatly improve workplace safety.
Other Courses in this Program:
Introduction to OSHA 101160010 Walking and Working Surfaces 171
160060 Fire Safety and Prevention 181
160070 Flammable/Combustible Liquids 191
160075 Safety for Metal Cutting 101
260020 Safety for Electrical Work 111
420020 SDS and Hazard Communication 151
160045 Environmental Safety Hazards 241
160150 Bloodborne Pathogens 161
Course ID
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Method of Delivery
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