Grants Management Training

Course Title/Registration Link Description Presentation Link
Introduction to Grants Management Master Data This course is a continuation of the Master Data training courses for those who also manage grants. This course compares FM and GM Master Data management and adds specific requirements for managing grants in Master Data; and is intended for users of Master Data who manage grants.  Introduction to Grants Management Master Data PDF
SAP Grants Management (GM) T-code Basic Instructions This document describes several different grants related transaction codes, how to use the selection criteria, how to use filters and sorts and common uses. Tcodes included are Project Financial Report, Master Data Index for Grant, Grants Management Line-Item Display, FBL5N and GR55 Z500. 
GM Master Data Details This resource contains detailed information related to Grants Management master data elements Grant, Sponsored Program and Work Breakdown Structure Elements (WBSE). 
What is a Grant? This document defines the term Grant and shows how grant funds can be recognized in financial transactions and includes considerations when processing expenditures on grants.

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