Peer Advisors

Who better to ask about studying abroad than a fellow student who's been there, done that?  Visit the Study Abroad Office in Young Hall, room 105 to meet our Peer Advisors.  Call 494-2383 for their specific work hours.

Photo of Amritraj in Sydney, Australia

Amritraj Binuraj

Major: Data Science
Program: Purdue Sydney Internship Program
Location: Sydney, Australia

What was your favorite part about studying abroad?
My favorite part about studying abroad was being able to experience a country that I never thought I would be able to visit. My program allowed me to intern abroad in Sydney, Australia, so I could explore a new, iconic city while also staying on track with my professional and career goals. Additionally, living abroad together with the other students in the program allowed us to grow very close, like a family. Meeting such amazing people and the shared experiences we all had together only made my time abroad more enjoyable. Choosing to study abroad was definitely one of the best decisions I've made!

Photo of  Booth Kayonga

Booth Kayonga

Major: Political Science
Program: University of Bristol (Exchange-Academic Year)
Location: Bristol, England

What advice would you give to another student about studying abroad?
The main advice that I would give to another student interested in studying abroad is to go in with an open mind. Going into the study abroad process, I think one of the most beneficial things that I did was keeping an open mind in terms of location, program, and duration. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a set place and country and it’s great that so many are so sure of what they want their study abroad experience to be! I was the same way. However, there are literally hundreds of programs to choose from! For me, I had to at least give myself the option to consider other study abroad programs, and I am glad that I did. When starting at looking at locations, I did not even consider Bristol. However, my advisors highly recommended that I look there for my year abroad. In the end, I chose Bristol over my first option, and it was the best decision that I have ever made. It was a lifechanging year that I am so grateful to have experienced. Due to starting in the fall, I was able to meet so many individuals and locals who showed me the ins and outs of English life and culture. I met lifelong friends and came across wonderful people throughout the year. We travelled throughout the U.K. together while creating amazing and unforgettable memories along the way.


Photo of Natalie Nasser

Natalie Nasser

Major: Animation
Program: Dublin Institute of Technology/Technological University Dublin
Location: Dublin, Ireland

What was your favorite part about studying abroad?
While it’s extremely difficult for me to pick the best part, I have to say that the most impactful aspect was the ability to meet so many people from all over the world. Being enrolled in an Irish university, I was fully immersed in their culture and became friends with my Irish peers. I was lucky enough to form meaningful relationships with many of them while learning about the country and its norms. Additionally, I became extremely close with other foreign exchange students from various countries — Germany, France, Cyprus, etc. They are still some of my best friends, and I never would have been able to meet them if I hadn’t studied abroad. However, some of the most life-changing experiences were the trips I took throughout the semester and the people I met at each destination. In Europe, everything is so close together, and traveling is much more affordable. Before I had left for Ireland, I had never been to Europe before; I returned home having visited 12 European countries and over 20 cities. And yes, the culture and architecture and charms of each town were absolutely beautiful, but I stand by my belief that the most influential parts of each trip were the people I met there. Just from talking to locals at cafes, concerts, or pubs, I learned so much about each country and am so grateful to have met them.