April 30, 2018

Purdue students create statement on global collaboration

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — A group of students at Purdue University has created a new statement to promote collaboration among the many different cultures and backgrounds represented on campus.

The Purdue Principles of Global Collaboration asks students and faculty to recognize the value of cross-cultural engagement. The statement builds on a prior project that created the phrase, “One World, One University, All Boilermakers,” and also comes after the creation of a student pledge in April 2017 to encourage a culture of academic integrity.

“Recognizing the opportunity – and the responsibility – that our international diversity brings, a group of Purdue student leaders developed an inspiring set of Principles of Global Collaboration focused on three core ideas – reflection, expectation and commitment,” said Jay Akridge, provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs and Diversity. “The principles are both a challenge and a guide for all of us to reach out to, engage with, learn from and embrace the tapestry of people and cultures that is Purdue.”

The Principles state:

“As an academic institution committed to providing a comprehensive education, we value and support the cross-cultural interactions that occur between students of all nationalities. Recognizing this, we commit to the development of globally minded citizens who understand their identity is not defined solely by nationality, but rather is connected by the common thread of humanity.

We stand firmly to uphold three fundamental principles of intercultural education:

* Reflection - to establish a deeper knowledge of who we are as individual Boilermakers, with unique identities tied to our global experiences and personal backgrounds. As we learn to embrace a wide range of cultures, our university will excel. As a result, Purdue University will grow in cultural awareness that will enhance personal development in support of a more global society.

* Expectation - to anticipate that every member of the Purdue community will learn to value international perspectives and commit to global engagement. By encouraging global interactions, our community will be strengthened substantially, and Purdue University will forge a future toward continual global development.

* Commitment - to maintain an educational atmosphere based on empathy and communication. Through supporting the cultural exchange of individual ideas, we engage in a holistic approach to learning. When applied, this produces an atmosphere of global collaboration and interaction.

Boilermakers around the globe are already working in their communities to impact the world. Whether it be the collaboration of peers in a classroom or on the surface of the moon, this institution has stood for ideas bigger than ourselves for 150 years. In our reflection, expectation, and dedication to cross-cultural engagement, we help move the world forward in a positive way. One World, One University, All Boilermakers. Hail Purdue!”

This group is working with multiple partners across the West Lafayette campus to encourage past, present, and future Boilermakers to engage in global collaboration. Notably, the Office of Admissions is sending the statement to all incoming freshmen, providing specific ways in which they can embrace intercultural diversity their first day at Purdue University.

“The Purdue Principles of Global Collaboration are important because they embody Purdue’s commitment to global engagement. This statement helps challenge our campus to not only recognize the value of cross-cultural teamwork, but also to take action toward facilitating more global collaboration,” said a member of Iron Key, the student organization that developed the Principles. “The value gained from working with others from another nation or culture is unparalleled; ideas are refined, assumptions are challenged, and new methods of thought are formed. At a time when businesses and organizations are becoming increasingly global, gaining exposure to other cultures is invaluable.”

The statement was designed to help increase intercultural collaboration on Purdue’s campus.

“I am thankful for the students who are leading the charge with this statement,” said Katherine L. Sermersheim, dean of students. “Their enthusiasm and dedication to making Purdue a better place is welcome and appreciated.”

For more information, go to www.purdue.edu/diversity-inclusion/initiatives/PPGC/index.html

Writer: Megan Huckaby, 765-496-1325, mhuckaby@purdue.edu

Sources: Roger Stewart, rcstewar@purdue.edu

Jay Akridge, akridge@purdue.edu

Katherine Sermersheim, ksermer@purdue.edu

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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