Report a Concern

Report a Student of Concern

Faculty, staff, students or others who are concerned about a student's behavior are encouraged to report the concern to an appropriate University representative, the Office of the Dean of Students or submit the concern through the Student of Concern Reporting link.

Additional information on behaviors that could be concerning can be found at Student Support Services.

Quick Reference Guide

Looking for a quick reference guide to helping students on Purdue's campus? Download the Student of Concern Reporting Guide, or email to request copies of this document. 

Reporting Detrimental/Questionable Graduate Mentoring Practices or COVID Safety Concerns

Graduate students who are experiencing mentoring relationships that are not aligned with these guiding principles should either report these behaviors to the chair of the department or head of the graduate departmental program OR anonymously report contradictory behaviors to the University Hotline at 1-866-818-2620 or via the web at

How to Apply Apply Now Request Information

Ernest C. Young Hall, Room 170 | 155  S. Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2114 | 765-494-2600

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