Languages and Cultures

Supported Degree Objectives

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Master of Arts (MA)
  • Non Degree


Required Supporting Documents

  • Transcripts
  • Recommendation Letters
  • Academic Statement of Purpose
  • Personal History Statement
  • Critical Essay
    • This should be a writing in English and a writing in the language you wish to pursue a graduate degree in.
  • Speaking Sample
    • The speaking sample should demonstrate both your spoken English and the language in which you are fluent to teach. The digital MP3 may give autobiographical information, describe your reasons for seeking a graduate degree, or be a brief commentary about a favorite work of fiction or a significant current event. Do not read from a prepared script. Use spontaneous speech, please.
  • Resume

English Proficiency Requirements

  • This program accepts the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars basic requirements as described on the English Proficiency Requirements page.

Master's Degree Program Requirements

  • Cumulative Grade Point Average from most recently conferred undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree:
    • 3.5 or equivalent in the language, linguistics, or literature (A=4.0)
    • 3.0 or equivalent average, overall (A=4.0)
  • Academic Preparation Background in the proposed area of study

Doctoral Degree Program Requirements

  • Cumulative Grade Point Average from most recently conferred undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree:
    • 3.5 or equivalent in the language, linguistics, or literature (A=4.0)
    • 3.0 or equivalent average, overall (A=4.0)
  • Master's Degree Completion:
    • Required, in a pertinent discipline from another credited graduate school and whose likelihood of achieving success in pursuit of their PhD studies is verified by their references.

Application Deadlines

  • Fall Spring Summer
    December 12 No Entry No Entry

Program Contact Information

  • Name Tatiana Elistratova
    Phone 765-496-2817
    Web Program Website
    Address Graduate Study Programs
    Department of Languages and Cultures
    Purdue University
    640 Oval Drive
    West Lafayette, IN 47907-2039

Additional Information

  • Current master’s students wishing to move to a doctoral degree program in this same graduate program will not be required to submit a new application.
  • Purdue West Lafayette (PWL)
Purdue West Lafayette campus