Global Ambassador Stories

Living Near Campus

Story by Wan Hee Kim
July 21, 2021

Before coming to Purdue as a graduate student, I thought many international prospective graduate students would be curious about where to live. In this blog, I would like to share the thoughts of two other international graduate students, Hyeree Cho and Hyeseung Jang, based on their experiences living near campus for several years.

Where have you been living during graduate school at Purdue? What made you choose this current location?

Hyeree: I am Hyeree Cho, a 4th year doctoral student in the program of Educational Psychology! I have been living on-campus in the same studio since I came to Purdue. As my office is in BRNG, I searched for housing which is within walking distance from there.

Hyeseung: I’m a 4th year PhD student at the department of linguistics. I’ve been living with a roommate in several places. My preferences for housing were convenient location (walkable to campus and gym), affordable rent, and access to public transportation.

What do you like about it?

Hyeree: My apartment is close to the Chauncey Mall and PMU. As I don’t own a car, I find it very convenient to easily access the on-campus dining and restaurants in the neighborhood. Although the rent is relatively high, I can save money on car-related spending such as car insurance, parking permits, and gas.

Hyeseung: It takes 20 minutes to walk to campus from my place and it’s a bit far from COREC, but I can walk or run. A public track next to the house is a big plus! I used to study at a library, but after COVID-19, my room became a doable place to work and the neighborhood is quiet.

Any recommendations for prospective graduate students?

Hyeree: Since I don’t have to worry about the bus schedule and the bus route changing due to inclement weather and construction, I have been highly satisfied with living near campus!

Hyeseung: My advice for living with a roommate is to be mindful of each other’s lifestyle (e.g., morning person/night owl) and preferences. Another recommendation is to start early and come up with your list of criteria (e.g., location, rent, etc.).

Hyeree Cho, PhD student in Educational Psychology 

Hyeree Cho, PhD student in Educational Psychology.

Hyeseung Jang, PhD student in Linguistics

Hyeseung Jang, PhD student in Linguistics. 

The views of the author are not necessarily those of the OGSPS or Purdue University.