Global Ambassador Stories

Writing a Great Statement of Purpose

Story by Robert Nyaga
December 09, 2021

Are you considering attending graduate school in the United States? If so, you will find the following tips on how to write an outstanding Statement of Purpose very helpful.

Clearly define why you are interested in the program/university of application.

Think of the statement of purpose as an elevation pitch to the admissions committee. State with clarity what is motivating you to apply to that institution. This can be a unique, strategic experience that you hope to acquire from the university if admitted, or a clear alignment of your skill set with your program of interest. When explaining your motive, be as specific as possible. Before you begin to write, take time to review the department website and specific program details.

State your passion and how it aligns with the university.

Explain how your personal goals and experiences link with the research interests of the faculty you are interested in working with. Identify a topic area that you would like to explore if admitted to that particular university. This information will showcase that you have researched the department and its faculty.

It is also advisable to identify specific faculty members that you would like to work with, and how their experiences align with yours. For instance say, "I appreciated Dr X’s recently published article on cancer communication between oncologists and late stage patients, as it aligns with my own research interests. Thus, if admitted to your university, I would appreciate the opportunity to work with Dr X during my graduate studies, as well as Dr Y, whose research on cancer prevention among college students also aligns with my dissertation area". These clear examples showcase a knowledgeable student who is focused - the admission committees appreciates such examples!

What are your career goals?

It is important to explain how you intend to use your hard earned degree after you graduate. In short, where and how do you see your skills impacting your life and others? Most schools are interested in students who will use their skills for the greater human good and community service. For example, “After graduating from Purdue University, I see myself using my knowledge in epidemiology to work in a Center for Diseases Prevention, with the goal of averting potential pandemics that could threaten the safety of our nation and the world at large.” An example such as this shows your skills will benefit not only yourself, but others as well.

Are you seeking opportunities to help fund your education?

If interested in obtaining a teaching or research assistantships, note this in your statement of purpose. Most higher education institutions in the USA take requests for assistantships into consideration. However, the availability of those opportunities vary by graduate program; so, it is wise to check with your program of interest prior to submitting your application. Most graduate institutions have a separate application process for funding.

In conclusion

A good statement of purpose is brief, approximately 300-500 words, but this can vary by program. The first time you write your SOP it won't be perfect. So, do not quickly send your first draft off to the admissions committee. Take your time and ask others to review your draft for grammatical errors and clarity. Think of your SOP as a persuasive document that tells your story clearly and concisely. When writing, remember to use an active voice that is confident, yet refined. For additional information about writing an outstanding statement of purpose, please consult your institution’s writing lab.

Robert Nyaga, PhD
Qualitative Research Specialist
Busara Center for Behavioural Economics

The views of the author are not necessarily those of the OGSPS or Purdue University.