Global Ambassador: Roberto Manolio Valladao Flores

Roberto graduated from Purdue with a PhD in Agricultural Economics. He studied aquaculture production in Brazil. Aquaculture is the culture of fish and others sea foods. During his time at Purdue, he was interested in the economic impacts of new technologies in this area.

Read more about Roberto's experience in graduate school below. Please note: Roberto provided these answers while he was still a graduate student at Purdue.

Ambassador Q & A (Questions and Answers)

Roberto Manolio Valladao Flores

Why did you choose Purdue?

It is one of the best in my area. Also, There is a historical partnership between the university and my current institute in Brazil.

Career goal?

To be a minister in Brazil.

Favorite fact about Purdue?

The founder of my institute in Brazil was graduated at Purdue.

Three words that best describe your work?

Aquaculture, Economic assessment, Brazil

If you have free time, how do you choose to spend it?

Playing with my son.

How do you spend your free time?

Going outside with my family, watching videos on YouTube, and playing soccer.

What are you currently reading, or what is the last thing you read (aside from academic reading)?

It is a Brazilian book with no titles in English.

What is your office setup like?

Office with a standing desk. I divide my office with 2 guys. One from U.S. and other from Iran.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Work for the government.

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