ADVANCE-Purdue and the Center for Faculty Success A Department within the Division of Diversity and Inclusion

2012 ADVANCE PRiME Speaker Series

ADVANCE PRiME Speaker Series:  Women of Color in the Mathematical Sciences

Pamela Harris

Friday, June 29, 2012

Luncheon Keynote:  Promoting Scientific Research

Research Talk:  It's No Lie:  I Study Representations of Lie Algebras

Dr. Pamela E. Harris is a Mexican-American Mitchem Fellow Scholar in Mathematics at Marquette University, but she will be an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the United States Military Academy at West Point in the fall.  She graduated from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee in May 2012.  Her research interests concern the representation theory of Lie algebras.

Lois Simon

Friday, July 6, 2012

Luncheon Keynote:  There and Back Again

Research Talk:  Curves, Sums, and Maximality

Dr. Lois Simon is an African-American lecturer in Mathematics at Howard University.  She graduated from Howard in May 2011.  Her research interests concern sums of characters of finite fields.

Paulette Willis

Friday, July 13, 2012

Luncheon Keynote:  A Few Seconds Can Create a Long-Lasting Impact

Research Talk:  C* - Algebras Associated to Topological k-Graphs and Exel-Larsen Systems

Dr. Paulette N. Willis is an African-American NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in Mathematics at the University of Houston. She graduated from the University of Iowa in May 2010. Her research interests concern C*-algebras of labeled graphs and *-commuting endomorphisms.

Cristina Villalobos

Friday, July 20, 2012

Luncheon Keynote:  Taking the Initiative in Securing Grants

Research Talk:  Theoretical and Numerical Results on the Smallest Enclosing Ball Problem and the Smallest Intersecting Ball Problem

Dr. Cristina Villalobos is a Mexican-American Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Texas-Pan American who is the Director of the Center of Excellence in STEM Education.  She graduated from Rice University in May 2000.  Her research interests lie in linear and nonlinear optimization as well as their applications.

Angela Gallegos

Friday, July 27, 2012

Luncheon Keynote:  Tenure Times Two: How Earning Tenure Once Gave Me the Courage to Go For It Again

Research Talk:  DCT and DDE:  Using Delay-Differential Equations to Model Dendritic Cell Therapies for Cancer

Dr. Angela Gallegos is a Mexican-American Associate Professor of Mathematics at Loyola Marymount University.  She graduated from the University of California at Davis in September 2005.  Her research interests concern applications of mathematics to biology and physiology.

With funding from the ADVANCE-Purdue and the Center for Faculty Success and modeled after Faculty Advancement, Success, and Tenure (FAST), Purdue University will host "ADVANCE PRiME: Purdue Research in Mathematics Experience." This summer program seeks to build a community of underrepresented minorities in the mathematical sciences, focusing on undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, statistics, and mathematics education.  For more information, contact Dr. Alejandra Alvarado at (765) 494-1423 or; or Dr. Edray Goins at (765) 494-1936 or

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