Major Property/Casualty Insurance Programs
Scope of coverage/reporting of losses
- Aircraft Liability/Physical Damage
- Airport Liability
- Auto Liability
- Auto Physical Damage
- Buildings and Contents
- Cooperative Extension Service Liability
- Educators' Legal Liability
- Fidelity and Crime
- General Liability
- International Travel and Evacuation Insurance
- Special Event Coverage
- Student Coverages
All University-owned aircraft are used as training aircraft in the University's Aviation Technology program. A special policy provides both liability and physical damage for these aircraft. The physical damage coverage is subject to specified deductibles.
The airport which serves the Greater Lafayette area is owned by Purdue University. Special coverage is in place to cover the unique operations of the airport.

The University carries liability coverage on all self-propelled vehicles and all trailers which are used on public thoroughfares. This coverage responds to claims brought by third parties for bodily injury or property damage which arises out of the use of these vehicles. Protection is provided both to the University and to persons authorized to operate University and rental vehicles on official Purdue business.
Employees and volunteers frequently use their personal vehicles in carrying out official Purdue business. Both the University and the vehicle owners are protected so long as the travel has been authorized by Purdue. This coverage is excess over that carried by the owner of the private vehicle and would respond only if and when the private coverage limit is exhausted through payment of claims or suits.
Each University area which has control of the use of vehicles should review its checkout procedures to be certain adequate documentation is provided including: authorized driver's name, starting time, return time, destination, purpose of trip and name of person granting trip approval (where appropriate).
- Prior approval of Risk Management is required before any student, volunteer, or temp. employee may operate a vehicle on University business. Refer to Form RM01D (Departmental Request) or Form RM01S (Student Organization Request).
- No coverage is provided by Purdue for physical damage to private vehicles used on University business.
- Any person operating a vehicle on University business must meet the requirements established in the Use of Vehicles for University Business policy.
- WEX 24/7 Roadside Assistance Number for University Vehicles is 866-329-347.
This WEX number is intended for emergency assistance, such as: putting spare tire on, jump start, towing to nearest dealer/shop, etc.
Customer should also contact the Transportation Rental Office at (765) 494-2114, which will be routed to shop staff as needed.
If after hours assistance is needed, they should call PUPD at (765) 494-8221 and they will contact shop staff.
Accident Reporting
All accidents which occur on public thoroughfares must be reported to the law enforcement authority having jurisdiction. If a University-owned or rental vehicle is involved in an accident, the driver should render assistance to the injured and arrange for immediate notification to law enforcement. (NOTE: If the accident occurs on campus premises, the University police should be contacted.) Under no circumstances should the driver move the vehicle until given permission to do so by the investigating officer.
The driver of the University vehicle should exchange complete information with the other driver(s). (Refer to Form RM18 for details.)
It is each person's duty to provide full, factual information to the investigating officer. Under no circumstances, however, is it necessary to make incriminating statements. The driver should make no statements concerning liability for the accident or coverage carried by the University. Simply state that the accident will be reported promptly to the appropriate University authorities.
All accidents should be reported as soon as possible to the Risk Management Office at the West Lafayette campus. Please call the Risk Management Office for an appointment. Risk Management staff will advise as to information needed and will complete the necessary forms for reporting to the insurance carrier and the State of Indiana.
If a person operating a private vehicle on authorized University business is involved in an accident, the information referred to above should be obtained, and the accident should be reported immediately to the vehicle owner's insurance carrier. If the accident is serious, it should also be reported to the Risk Management Office to ensure protection under the University's liability coverage as discussed earlier.
For more information read Memo 2.
University Vehicles
Comprehensive coverage is carried on all self-propelled vehicles which are not considered to be building contents items (those used to maintain buildings and grounds). Covered losses include those caused by wind, hail, water, vandalism and accidental breakage of glass.
Collision coverage is optional for University vehicles and may be requested through the Risk Management Office at the discretion of the operating unit. This coverage is mandatory for any vehicles on loan to Purdue.
A deductible applies per vehicle per claim, and the operating unit is responsible for payment of that amount.
Rental Vehicles
For United States travel, Purdue insures the physical damage and liability exposure for vehicles rented by staff traveling on approved University business. Collision damage coverage should not be purchased within the United States from the rental company, as it is not a reimbursable expense.
For international travel rentals, full insurance coverage is required to be secured/purchased directly from the rental agency. This is a reimbursable expense. Risk Management does not handle international auto claims.
Employees are encouraged to use certain car rentals that have an agreement with Purdue whenever possible since, they provide the insurance coverage for damage to the rental vehicle and auto liability at no extra charge to the customer, in the U.S. only. You can find out more information about these programs at
For further information read Memos 3 and 4.
Loss Reporting
If physical damage loss is the result of an accident which occurs on a public thoroughfare or is due to theft or other criminal act, follow the procedures outlined above for reporting to the appropriate law enforcement authority.
All physical damage losses are to be reported as soon as possible to the Risk Management Office at the West Lafayette campus. An appointment will be made to secure the accident information.
For United States travel, if damage is to a rental vehicle, advise the rental company immediately and let them know this exposure is insured by Purdue. The information which the rental agent will need is on the wallet card issued to all staff members. (Refer to Form RM25 for details.)
For international travel, damages are to be reported directly to the rental agency.
BuildingsThe principal buildings on all campuses are insured for their replacement value. Buildings which would not be repaired or replaced in the event of loss are insured for actual cash value (replacement cost less depreciation).
ContentsAll contents (University owned as well as those on loan or lease to Purdue) are insured for their replacement value, as follows:
- While on campus property or within 1,000 feet thereof
- While off campus at miscellaneous unnamed locations, worldwide policy sub limit applies.
- Loss or damage to equipment that occurs in any the following countries is excluded. This list is compiled by our insurer based on political/economic stability, relations with the United States, etc. and may vary. Please contact Risk Management if you are concerned about coverage in a particular country.
Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Angola; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Belize; Benin;Botswana; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Chad; Cote D’Ivoire; Cuba; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Djibouti; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Fiji; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Grenada; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Jammu and Kashmir in India; Iran; Iraq; Gaza Strip, West Bank and territories north of Latitude 32.80 N in Israel; Laos; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mauritania; Mauritius;Moldova; Mongolia; Montenegro; Montserrat; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nepal; Niger;Nigeria; North Korea; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Aksai Chin and Trans-KarakoramTract in People’s Republic of China; Republic of the Congo; Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation; Rwanda; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Somalia; Sri Lanka; South Sudan; Sudan; Swaziland; Syria; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Timor-Leste; Togo; Agri, Batman, Bingol, Bitlis, Diyarbakir, Elazig, Hakkari, Igdir, Mardin, Mus, Sanliurfa, Siirt, Sirnak and Van in Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uganda;Uzbekistan; Yemen; Zambia; and Zimbabwe.
NOTE: There is no coverage for property shipped by mail.
All buildings and contents are insured under a very broad policy which includes the perils of fire, lightning, flood, earthquake, wind, explosion, water damage, collapse, vandalism and theft.
Deductibles apply on a per-occurrence basis to losses resulting from theft, vandalism, flood and earthquake. Repair or replacement cost within these deductibles is the responsibility of the controlling budgetary unit.
Loss Reporting
Loss or damage at any University location, as well as damage which occurs to contents away from owned premises, should be reported to Ryan Tyson at the West Lafayette Campus. That individual will arrange for inspection of the damage, will inform Risk Management and will coordinate repair/replacement and the filing of claims.
- Loss involving theft or vandalism must be reported immediately to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN THE DENIAL OF COVERAGE.
- In order for coverage to be in force for property not owned by the University but in our care, custody and control, either a gift and loan report or lease agreement must be on file.
- As items valued at less than $5,000 will no longer be inventoried by Property Management, there will be no Purdue identification number to which to refer in the event of loss. Therefore, departments will need to retain proof of purchase of acquisition for the life of such items. Acceptable documentation would include purchase orders, invoice vouchers, gift and loan reports and lease agreements.
For further information read Memo 5.
As the Land Grant University for the State of Indiana, Purdue is responsible for the operation of the Cooperative Extension Service (CES) in each of the 92 Indiana counties. Participants who are registered members of 4H are eligible for an accidental injury insurance policy through American Income Life (AIL). To report a claim, an AIL claim form must be submitted into the insurance company. The forms are available at each CES office.
Procedure for handling of claims and legal actions; for further information read Memo 7.
This coverage provides protection for the University and its trustees, directors, officers, faculty, staff and volunteers from claims resulting from a number of exposures, including many which are unique to higher education. Included are failure to educate, discrimination and sexual harassment, as well as wrongful employment practices.
Employee Bonds
Each Purdue employee is bonded for the faithful performance of his or her duties. Coverage applies to losses resulting from carelessness in the handling of money or property as well as outright dishonesty. Such losses are recoverable from the employee(s) responsible for the loss or from the bonding company. If the bonding company pays a loss, it receives a legal right of recovery against the responsible employee(s).
Crime Coverage
Purdue carries coverage to protect against the loss of money and securities resulting from various criminal acts. This coverage applies in those cases where the responsible party or parties cannot be identified.
Loss Reporting
Immediately upon becoming aware of possible employee involvement in the loss of money, securities or other property, or loss due to possible criminal acts, the responsible supervisor or department head should notify the campus police, the internal auditor and the risk manager.
This coverage provides protection to the University and its trustees, officers, appointees, employees and volunteers against claims from third parties for bodily injury, property damage or personal injury (libel, slander, invasion of privacy, etc.). Coverage applies to occurrences both on University premises and in connection with University operations conducted elsewhere. In order to be covered, a person must be acting at the direction of and within the scope of his or her duties for Purdue University. Coverage is included for University-sponsored student organizations (including their officers and members while acting within the scope of their duties) so long as the activity has received the appropriate University approval.
Loss Reporting
Any University employee who witnesses a loss which involves bodily injury to or property damage of a member of the public or a student, either on University premises or at a University activity away from campus, should render assistance where appropriate, notify law enforcement and prepare a written account including as much information as possible. This information should be given to the employee's supervisor or department head for transmittal to the Risk Management Office. When circumstances warrant, report the occurrence by telephone or e-mail to the Risk Management Office. Also, please fill out the RM30 form located on our website and forward to the Risk Management Office as soon as possible.
Purdue purchases medical and evacuation insurance coverage for two different categories of travelers on University business:
- Coverage is provided for emergency medical treatment and evacuation services for medical, political, and natural disaster situations. There is also a benefit for trip cancelation and trip interruption. This coverage protects faculty, staff, and students while traveling outside the 50 United States. This includes study abroad, research, sabbaticals, or other official business conducted on behalf of Purdue University. This is a required coverage for all travel outside the United States. The cost of this coverage for students and volunteers starts at $32.00. For faculty and staff the cost is centrally funded.
- A coverage brochure and detailed policy can be viewed at
Leisure Travel/Cancel for Any Reason Policy – This policy offered through Gallagher can be used for University travel or for personal travel. University travel will benefit through the Cancel for Any Reason coverage. This will reimburse travelers for any reason of cancellation to help with the non-refundable cost associated with the trip. For personal use, this extends the same Cancel for Any Reason benefit along with medical protections of up to $100,000 for Accident & Sickness Medical Expenses and up to $1 million for Medical Evacuations.
See our International Travel Field Guide for helpful information on traveling overseas.- See our Frequently Asked Questions Document for additional information about how to sign-up for this plan, family members, visa information, filing claims, etc...
In the event of a medical or other emergency call Gallagher Global Assistance immediately; reference policy number: GLM N10876746 |
24-Hour Access Numbers are: | (866) 693-6873 toll free |
(312) 935-9242 direct dial |
- Coverage is provided for Purdue Ex-pats and third country nationals on long term employment assignment outside of the U.S. Benefits covered are medical evacuation transportation, emergency political and natural disaster evacuation, and security assistance. A coverage brochure and detailed policy can be viewed at Click the Plan Brochure and see the section titled Purdue University Expatriate Employees Program.
- The employee must be registered for this coverage through an RLA form or the Risk Management EXPAT Form. The RLA form should be faxed to Risk Management at 765-496-1338 prior to departure. Following registration, employees will receive an insurance identification card with information on how to arrange for services if and when needed.
In the event of a medical or other emergency call Gallagher Global Assistance immediately; reference policy number: ADD N10893331 |
24-Hour Access Numbers are: | (866) 693-6873 toll free |
(312) 935-9242 collect |
Purdue faculty and staff whose duties are considered to be professional in nature are covered under Purdue's liability polices. Coverage is provided for bodily injury, property damage and wrongful acts. Covered persons include health care professionals, pharmacists, veterinarians, psychologists and EAP counselors.
Loss Reporting
Any professional staff member who becomes aware of a situation which may result in a claim against Purdue and/or individual staff members should immediately notify his or her department head and the Risk Management Office.
From time to time, events are scheduled on campus premises which present a risk above that contemplated by our general liability coverage. Such events can be covered under a separate policy, and the premium is billed to the sponsoring organization or department. Examples include fireworks displays and concerts where the performers do not have their own liability coverage. Please contact the Risk Management office for details and rates.
* Please note that applications for special event coverage must be submitted to Risk Management at 45 days in advance of the event. *
For further information read Game and Activity Equipment
A number of coverages for Purdue students and campus visitors are placed and administered by the Risk Management Office. These include:
- Medical and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Coverage for:
- Bands/Purdue Musical Organizations Participants
- Cheerleaders and Mascots
- Child Care Center Enrollees
- Study Abroad Program Participants (Refer to Form RM23)
- Field Trips, Camps, and Conferences Participants (Refer to Form RM05 & AIL Memo)