Virtual Exchange

What is Virtual Exchange?

Virtual Exchange (VE) involves faculty collaboration and partnership to design collaborative learning opportunities for students.

VE programs provide a method for global engagement through technology. Collaborative and reciprocal learning experiences provide improved context dependent problem-solving skills and offer increased perspective taking, cultural pluralism and empathy building among faculty and student participants in higher education.

What is Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)?

COIL is a VE model that connects accredited courses, linking the classrooms of two or more institutions located in a different country or cultural setting. Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) connects students and professors in different countries for collaborative projects and discussions as part of their coursework. COIL Collaborations are developed by partnering professors from different institutions who want to enrich their courses with student interaction and collaborative learning.  Professors work together to design and implement the COIL Collaboration, allowing COIL to be customized to meet the needs of any class, in any discipline.

Benefits of Virtual Exchange

VE plays a vital role in promoting intercultural understanding, language skills, global awareness, creativity and innovation, and digital literacy. It opens doors to new perspectives, fosters collaboration across borders, and prepares individuals for success in a globalized world. Additional benefits are outlined below:


Updated January 29, 2025