The Large Scale Additive Manufacturing Celebration
Date: October 28, 2021
Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Location: Indiana Manufacturing Institute
Registration Deadline: October 14, 2021
The Composites Manufacturing and Simulation Center (CMSC) invites you to celebrate several accomplishments since the center was named the Design Modeling and Simulation Technology Area of the Institute for Advanced Composite Manufacturing Innovation in 2015.
In their chronological order:
- CMSC’s designation in 2020 as the 3DEXPERIENCE Education Center of Excellence of Dassault Systémes, one of the Fortune 50 list of the largest software companies for 3D product design, simulation, manufacturing and performance.
- Composites Manufacturing Preeminent Faculty search success: Dianyun Zhang, Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
- The establishment of the Thermwood Large Scale Additive Manufacturing Laboratory by the Thermwood Corporation of Dale, IN.
- The launch of the Composites Additive Manufacturing Industrial Consortium, with the goal of serving the end user, material supplier and additive manufacturing equipment manufacturing industries in developing this emerging industry.

We hope you will join us on October 28 to celebrate these accomplishments.

The Purdue campus community is documented as 90% fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
In accordance with CDC recommendations, and to uphold the Protect Purdue Pledge, the University has a mask mandate in place for all campus buildings, regardless of vaccination status.