Student-Apply to Graduate FAQ
Q: Who can apply to graduate?
A: Undergraduate students who are in their second semester of their junior year (classification 6 or higher), those pursuing the AAS in the Vet Tech program, and those pursuing the Doctor of Pharmacy or Doctor of Vet Med who are a classification P3 or P4.
Q: Which campuses can apply to graduate?
A: West Lafayette, Indianapolis, and Purdue Polytechnic Statewide campuses.
Q: I cannot get the CCO survey link to work. Why?
A: Contact the CCO at askcco@purdue.edu or stop by Young 132.
Q: I have two majors but only see one button to apply to graduate. Why?
A: Some programs allow for students to have more than one major. However, students with two majors in the same college may receive only one Bachelor degree with their multiple majors listed on the transcript. However, if you have more than one major and they are in different colleges, you should expect to have two options to select. You will submit the applications one at a time.
Q: Can I apply to graduate if I have a hold on my record?
A: Some holds will prevent Apply to Graduate. Resolve your holds to enable the Apply to Graduate.
Q: I am no longer planning to graduate in the term that I applied. I cannot change my application. What do I do?
A: E-mail commencement@purdue.edu and copy your advisor from your Purdue e-mail to notify us of the change. We will remove the application to allow you to submit a new application for the new term.
Q: I am getting the message “ You currently do not meet the criteria to use this application for to apply for graduation, or have already applied. Please contact your academic advisor and/or Major Professor about applying to graduate and the applicable deadlines.” What does that mean?
A: It means the curriculum term you selected (the first term selection prompt) does not include a curriculum/program that is valid to submit a Graduation Application. If you are a current undergraduate student and have already been admitted to the Graduate School at Purdue, select the curriculum term for which you are still an undergraduate.