The Discovery Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Research Internship (DUIRI) program is designed to involve Purdue undergraduates in the interdisciplinary research environment of Discovery Park District. The program provides opportunities for students to work with researchers on cutting edge research projects that involve combining two or more disciplinary strengths. Working closely with researchers, students experience the excitement, challenge, and power of truly interdisciplinary research in the fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment that is Purdue's Discovery Park District.
Basic DUIRI Info
- Students must be enrolled at the West Lafayette campus.
- Students must have completed their first semester by the time they apply to DURI.
- Students should have an established GPA of at least 3.00.
- Students must not have graduated before the DURI session in which they participate.
- DUIRI students complete the work assigned on their projects. They also
- complete and return a learning contract signed by the student and the project supervisor.
- participate in an undergraduate research conference.
- submit an abstract and poster to DUIRI at the end of their research experience.
- post their work on the DUIRI e-Pubs page.
- may include their DUIRI experience as part of a Certificate for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
- Most DUIRI students receive a fellowship for their experience. Students should keep in mind that this fellowship is considered financial aid.
- FALL $1000 10-12 hours of research/ week distributed at the end of the session
- SPRING $1000 10-12 hours of research/ week distributed at the end of the session
- SUMMER $5000 40 hours of research/ week distributed in installments throughout the session
- Some DUIRI students opt to receive credit rather than the fellowship.
Email duristudent@purdue.edu with questions.