Past News

Dr. Julia A. Chester won the Jane S. Link College of Health and Human Sciences Teaching Award

April 24, 2018

Julia A. Chester, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Psychological Sciences, won the Jane S. Link College of Health and Human Sciences Teaching Award.

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Professor Jennifer L. Freeman was awarded the newer Mid-Career Research Award

April 24, 2018

The Purdue Chapter of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society for scientists and engineers awarded Professor Jennifer L. Freeman ( Associate Professor of Toxicology) with the newer Mid-Career Research Award.

Professor Jennifer L. Freeman was awarded the newer Mid-Career Research Award

Professor Stephen Konieczny was recognized as this year's winner of the Sigma Xi Research Award

April 24, 2018

Professor Stephen Konieczny (Biological Sciences) was recognized as this year's winner of the Sigma Xi Research Award. This award began in 1950 and Dr. Konieczny is the 66th recipient.

Professor Stephen Konieczny was recognized as this year's winner of the Sigma Xi Research Award

'Key factor' in development of Parkinson's disease identified- Dr. Chris Rochet and Dr. Riyi Shi

April 20, 2018

Two members of the Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience, Dr. Chris Rochet, and Dr. Riyi Shi recently discover a key factor in the development of Parkinson’s disease that could lead to new therapies, potentially including drugs currently on the market. This discovery could facilitate earlier diagnosis and prevention of the neurological disorder.

'Key factor' in development of Parkinson's disease identified- Dr. Chris Rochet and Dr. Riyi Shi

Dr. Kinzer-Ursem wins NSF CAREER Award

April 20, 2018

For the educational component of the NSF CAREER award, Tamara Kinzer-Ursem, an assistant professor of biomedical engineering, will develop a new educational pathway to prepare Weldon School students for careers in biotechnology and biomedical engineering.

Dr. Kinzer-Ursem wins NSF CAREER Award

Electrode shape improves neurostimulation for small targets- Dr. Hugh Lee

April 20, 2018

Advancements in microfabrication has enabled manufacturing of microscopic neurostimulation electrodes with smaller footprint than ever possible. The smaller electrodes can potentially reduce tissue damage and allow better spatial resolution for neural stimulation. Although electrodes of any shape can easily be fabricated, substantial effort have been focused on identification and characterization of new materials and surface morphology for efficient charge injection, while maintaining simple circular or rectangular Euclidean electrode geometries. In this work we provide a systematic electrochemical evaluation of charge injection capacities of serpentine and fractal-shaped platinum microelectrodes and compare their performance with traditional circular microelectrodes. Our findings indicate that the increase in electrode perimeter leads to an increase in maximum charge injection capacity. Furthermore, we found that the electrode geometry can have even more significant impact on electrode performance than having a larger perimeter for a given surface area. The fractal shaped microelectrodes, despite having smaller perimeter than other designs, demonstrated superior charge injection capacity. Our results suggest that electrode design can significantly affect both Faradaic and non-Faradaic electrochemical processes, which may be optimized to enable a more energy efficient design for neurostimulation.

Electrode shape improves neurostimulation for small targets- Dr. Hugh Lee

Discovery Park announces request for proposals to support data science initiative

April 5, 2018

As part of its Integrative Data Science Initiative, Purdue is launching an internal funding opportunity for ambitious proposals that apply data science to pressing, socially relevant issues. The funding will leverage the University's existing strengths in data analytics to help position Purdue as a leader in science-enabled research, says Tomás Díaz de la Rubia, chief scientist and executive director of Discovery Park, who is spearheading the research thrust of the initiative.

Discovery Park announces request for proposals to support data science initiative

Office of the Provost announces request for proposals to build integrative data science education ecosystem

April 5, 2018

As part of its Integrative Data Science Initiative, Purdue is launching an internal funding opportunity for ambitious proposals that will expand data science education across campus. Initiated by Jay Akridge, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity, and Suresh Garimella, executive vice president for research and partnerships, the initiative has been formulated through two cross-campus working groups, forums and input from campus-wide discussions.

Office of the Provost announces request for proposals to build integrative data science education ecosystem

Critical Role for Gi/o-Protein Activity in the Dorsal Striatum in the Reduction of Voluntary Alcohol Intake in C57Bl/6 Mice

April 5, 2018

Richard van Dijn from the Purdue College of Pharmacy, along with Meridith T. Robins, Terrance Chiang, Kendall L. Mores, and Doungkamol Alongkronrusmee have explored the hypothesis that dorsal striatal Gi/o-protein activation is sufficient to reduce voluntary alcohol intake. Using a voluntary, limited-access, two-bottle choice, drink-in-the-dark model of alcohol (10%) consumption, they validated the importance of Gi/o signaling in this region by locally expressing neuron-specific, adeno-associated-virus encoded Gi/o-coupled muscarinic M4 designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) in the dorsal striatum and observed a decrease in alcohol intake upon DREADD activation. Overall, these results suggest that activation Gi/o-coupled GPCRs expressed in the dorsal striatum, such as the DOR, by G-protein biased agonists may be a potential strategy to decrease voluntary alcohol consumption and ?-arrestin recruitment is to be avoided.

Critical Role for Gi/o-Protein Activity in the Dorsal Striatum in the Reduction of Voluntary Alcohol Intake in C57Bl/6 Mice

Computational & Systems Neuroscience Symposium - IUPUI

March 28, 2018

The IUPUI School of Science is hosting a "Computational & Systems Neuroscience: from theory to clinical applications" Symposium on April 27, 2018. The symposium will bring together researchers in computational and systems neuroscience from multiple universities and campuses in Indiana. It features internationally renowned neuroscientists presenting leading-edge interdisciplinary research that bridges theoretical, experimental and clinical directions. A limited number of poster presentations will be accepted.

Computational & Systems Neuroscience Symposium - IUPUI