Purdue Team of Neuroscientists receives major NSF grant to study how language relates to vision in the human brain.

September 18, 2017

Dr. Jeffrey Siskind, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a member of the Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience, and his collaborators have been awarded a $1.0M from the National Science Foundation entitled “Neuroimaging to advance computer vision, NLP, and AI". Dr. Ronnie Wilbur, Professor of Linguistics and Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and also a member of PIIN along with visiting scholar Dr. Evguenia Malaia also in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences are collaborators to this project. Purdue was one of the nineteen teams selected by the NSF to conduct research focused on neural and cognitive systems. The project aims to understand the mechanisms by which predicates and arguments are identified, linked, and used for reasoning by the human brain. The project will aid build better computer systems that process images, video, and language.

NSF news story