EHS Labels, Signs, Stickers and Door Postings
Asbestos-Containing Materials Notice
Used to alert building occupants of asbestos material in the building.
Consult the Biological Safety Manual for information on when and where this warning label shall be used for identifying the contents of containers. In general, a "biohazard" is a material that is or has been contaminated with biological entities (capable of reproduction), which are known or suspected to cause disease in humans. For further assistance, contact the Biological Safety Officer at (765) 494-1496.
Carcinogens, Reproductive Toxins, or Extremely Toxic Chemicals
This label will be used to designate areas for use of the following select carcinogens, reproductive hazards, and/or substances having a high degree of acute toxicity. Refer to "Chemicals Requiring Designated Areas" web page for a further explanation of the use of this sticker. For further assistance contact the EHS Chemical Hygiene Officer at (765) 494-6371.
NOTE: Not withstanding any other prohibitions, placing this sticker at an entrance prohibits the eating, drinking, storage, and/or preparation of food or beverages anywhere inside the room.
Do Not Use Until Repaired
Once a work order is placed to Zone Maintenance by either your building deputy or EHS’s Industrial Hygiene section, a sign will be posted on the fume hood stating the hood is not safe to use and repairs are in process. Failure to relocate or end experiments while repairs are in process poses a health and safety risk to the lab as well as maintenance workers. During the repair process, fume hoods do not provide adequate ventilation for open chemicals.
Flammable Safe/No Food
Refrigerator/freezer posting.
Hazardous Waste Disposal Tag
This larger label allows generators to document multiple chemical constituents of the waste in a percentage format. This is the recommended label for hazardous waste containers, especially for mixtures. For further assistance contact Hazardous Materials Section at (765) 494-0121.
Lab Hood Operating Procedures -Standard
Lab Hood Operating Procedures -High Performance
Laser Aperture
The label must be affixed to laser on the aperture where laser is emitted.
Laser: Class 3
The alerting sign must be posted at the entrance of an area containing a Class 3 laser.
Laser: Class 4
The alerting sign must be posted at the entrance of an area containing a Class 4 laser.
Laser Notice Sign
Notice sign for temporary controlled areas.
Laser Warning
The label must be affixed to laser, along with an indication of the class and type of laser.
Liquid Nitrogen
Affix this to containers that contain liquid nitrogen.
No Flammables
Refrigerator/freezer posting.
No Food
Refrigerator/freezer posting.
NRC Form 3: Notice to Employees
Door posting
Perchloric Acid Fume Hood Label
Special hoods equipped with a stainless steel or PVC duct and properly timed water wash down system. The wash down system must be used following each use of the acid hood. Using perchloric acid in a general lab fume hood may cause the acid vapors to settle onto the ductwork and create explosive perchlorate crystals. Serious injury or fatality may result to hood users or maintenance staff if the acid crystals are exposed to vibration and detonate.
Radiation Area
This label is used in areas with radiation exposure rates greater than 5 milliroentgens/hr (5 mR/hr).
Radioactive Materials
This label is used to indicate areas where radioactive material is used or stored including hoods, equipment, and refrigerators.
Radioactive Materials with Information
This label is used for identifying radioactive waste. All information must be complete before requesting a waste pickup. All containers that EHS supplies come with these labels attached.
Radioactive Materials: Type B Lab
Eating, drinking, food preparation, food storage, and smoking is NOT PERMITTED in a Type B lab.
This label will be found on lab doors.
Radioactive Materials: Type C Lab
Storage or preparation of food or beverages and the consumption of food is NOT PERMITTED in a Type C lab.
This label will be found on lab doors.
Radioactive Materials: Type D Lab
Storage of food and beverages in same storage location as radioactive materials is NOT PERMITTED in a Type D lab.
This label will be found on lab doors.
Radioactive Materials Waste
This label is used to mark radioactive material as waste.
Radio Frequency (RF) Environment Notice
The "NOTICE" sign is appropriate where individuals may have access to areas in which the RF fields exceed the occupational Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits in controlled areas.
RF sign images courtesy of Richard Tell Associates, Inc. (
Radio Frequency (RF) Caution
The "CAUTION" sign is appropriate where individuals may have access to areas in which the RF fields exceed the occupational Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits in controlled areas.
RF sign images courtesy of Richard Tell Associates, Inc. (
Radio Frequency (RF) Notice
The "NOTICE" sign may be used in areas where RF fields exceed the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for the general public in uncontrolled areas.
RF sign images courtesy of Richard Tell Associates, Inc. (
Radio Frequency (RF) Warning
The WARNING sign should be used in those areas, very near RF sources, in which RF fields may substantially exceed the controlled environment Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits by ten times or more.
RF sign images courtesy of Richard Tell Associates, Inc. (
Safe for Disposal: Triple Rinsed Notice
This label is recommended to identify those containers ready for the regular trash. This label also informs those individuals handling your trash that NO hazardous chemicals are left in the container. For further assistance contact Hazardous Materials Section at (765) 494-0121.
Secondary Container Label
These labels are recommended for secondary containers. If a product is being transferred into a secondary container, you must prepare nd apply this label in accordance to the chemical’s information (product name, signal word, hazard statement and pictogram). This information can be found on the original container or from the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). If a product is being diluted as part of a mixture, the information will likely need to be changed. Please contact an Environmental Technician at (765) 494-6371 for assistance.
Strong Magnetic Field
Do not enter a room with magnetic resonance equipment if you wear a pacemaker without previously consulting a physician. No magnetic of ferrous objects or watches within the 10gauss field. No compressed gas cylinders within the 5 gauss field.
Shut the Sashes
Sticker that may appear on variable air volume fume hoods.
Sash Opening -Vertical
Users should raise the sash to the working height indicated by the black arrow on the label when operating the hood. Hood operators may raise the sash above this point for equipment set-up only. Do not manipulate chemicals or run experiments with the sash open above the designated working height.
Sash Opening -Horizontal
Horizontal sash sticker will be placed on the front of the hood if horizontal panels are utilized.
Storage Use Only
Fume hoods posted with a Storage Only sign indicate the air flow is insufficient for toxic chemical work and may only be used for storing materials or closed waste containers.
Universal Waste Mercury-Contaminated Lamps
All containers holding spent or "burned out" fluorescent bulbs, High Intensity Sodium bulbs, U-Shaped/Circular fluorescent bulbs, Compact Fluorescent bulbs, and flood lamps shall have this label prominently displayed on the container. For further assistance contact (765) 494-0121.

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