Compliance Programs



aerial work platform safety program

Asbestos Management Program

This program covers the identification, maintenance, and removal of regulated Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) and Presumed Asbestos Containing Materials PACMM) in University Facilities.




biological safety manual
bloodborne pathogens exposure control plan

Biological Safety Manual

This booklet contains the Federal, State, as well as Purdue University's requirements and expectations for all staff and students whose work or studies involve biological hazards.



Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan

Federal, State, and Purdue University requirements and expectations for all staff and students whose work or studies involve exposure to human blood and blood products (i.e. tissues, cell lines, and any other body fluid that could mask the presence of blood). (2015: Reviewed April 6, 2017)



clickable link to the chemical facility anti-terrorism standard data collection instructions
clickable link to the chemical hygiene plan
clickable link to the confined space program

Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards

These instructions are intended to assist the individual within each department who is responsible for collecting the data.  An accurate inventory of the Appendix A chemicals must be taken for all areas where chemicals are stored. 



Chemical Hygiene Plan

This manual gives Federal, State, and University requirements and expectations relating to the OSHA Laboratory Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1450.  This standard applies to areas engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals. (2014)



Confined Space Program

This manual contains the procedures and practices for safe entry into confined spaces locations at Purdue University that may have atmospheric conditions and/or physical hazards present.  These areas include: manholes, wet-wells, vaults, tanks, boilers, silos, bins, pits, sumps, and sanitary and storm sewers.  Appendix C: Purdue University Tunnel System

clickable link to the control of hazardous energy lockout tagout program

Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) Program

This manual gives the Federal, State, and University requirements and expectations relating to the OSHA regulation, 29 CFR 1910.147. (2000)








Drone/UAS/Autonomous Devices Procedures - Office of Risk Management

This webpage contains the procedures for the use of  Drones/Unmanned Aircrafts and Autonomous Technology Devices. This is a program overseen by the Office of Risk Management.



electrical safety program
Energetic Materials Management Plan
excavation safety program

Electrical Safety Program

The Electrical Safety Program (ESP) was created to comply with electrical systems regulatory requirements to ensure that energized electrical work at Purdue University facilities is performed safely by qualified electrical workers who are provided with appropriate safe work procedures, protective equipment, and other controls.


Energetic Materials Management Plan

This program will cover all energetic material used in research at Purdue University. Energetic material includes explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics, and any other material, purchased or synthesized, with a high energy density.

 Excavation Safety Program

The Excavation Safety Program document was written to address safety and health hazards associated with performing trenching and excavation related work.(2010)



Fall Protection Program

Fall Protection Program

The purpose of this program is to ensure employees are protected from fall hazards by establishing guidelines and requirements for university supervisors and employees to identify and control potential fall hazards.





hazard communication program
hazardous waste disposal guidelines
hearing conservation program

Hazard Communication Program

This manual contains the outline for Purdue University's Hazard Communication Program as well as the requirements and expectations of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.  This standard applies to areas with non-laboratory use of hazardous chemicals.



Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines

This booklet provides all Purdue University employees with information related to the accumulating, labeling, and removal of hazardous waste and surplus chemicals.  Hazardous waste removal must be requested on a waste pick-up request form. Staff members may request blank pick-up request forms and copies of the guidelines from (765) 494-0121.


Hearing Conservation Program

This manual is designed to protect employees from hearing damage that may occur from exposure to excessive noise levels.





laser safety guidelines

Laser Safety Guidelines

This manual is designed to provide individuals using lasers information on laser hazards, laser-related policies and procedures, recommendations for the safe use of lasers, and laser safety training. (2023)



Lockout/Tagout (Control of Hazardous Energy) Program

This manual gives the Federal, State, and University requirements and expectations relating to the OSHA regulation, 29 CFR 1910.147. (2000)






mercury reduction policy
minors in labs
Mobile Elevating Work Platform Safety Program

Mercury Reduction Policy

This document contains the Chemical and Laboratory Safety Committee's (CLSC) recommendation to eliminate the use of mercury, mercury compounds and mercury devices where practicable by the year 2006.



 Minors in Labs or Animal Facilities

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for University faculty and staff wishing to offer educational opportunities in research labs or animal facilities to minor children ages 15-17.



Mobile Elevating Work Platform Safety Program

The purpose of this program is to promote the safe use of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) and prevent accidents, personal injuries, and property damage resulting from their use.


link to nanoparticle safety and health guidelines

Nanoparticle Safety and Health Guidelines

This document contains practices and procedures to protect employees from the hazards associated with working with nanoparticles.








personal protective equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy

This policy implements the personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, 29 CFR 1910.132 - 29 CFR 1910.140. This policy applies to the use of personal protective equipment at the West Lafayette Campus, regional Campuses, University Research Farms and Agricultural Centers, related facilities and operations. (2003)









Radiation Safety Manual
refrigerant compliance policy
respiratory protection program

Radiation Safety Manual

This document covers the Federal, State, and University requirements and expectations related to Purdue University's use and storage of radioisotopes. (2024)



Refrigerant Compliance Policy (CFC Compliance)

This document outlines the program that Purdue University uses to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) requirements outlined in the Clean Air Act, Title VI - Protection of Stratospheric Ozone, 40 CFR Part 82.


Respiratory Protection Program

Any questions about inhalation exposure(s) or situations that can create a potential for an inhalation exposure are addressed in this manual.  You must follow the guidelines and procedures put forth in this document to ensure your safety. (2013)


silica exposure control plan

Sharps/Infectious Waste Handling

Employees that routinely work with sharps and those who handle sharps waste should be aware of the risk of being punctured or lacerated during their workday. It is important for these employees to take precautions and properly handle waste materials in order to prevent injury and potential disease transmission.



Silica Exposure Control Plan

The purpose of this document is to establish and implement a written exposure control plan that identifies tasks involving silica exposure and methods used to protect employees.










  • Compliance Programs
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