Research Equipment

hazard clearance and declaration
Hazard Clearance and Declaration
Explains the purpose of the Hazard Clearance and Declaration Form. Physical Facilities personnel are not expected to handle equipment that is contaminated with hazardous materials.  It is the responsibility of the person making the work request to ensure that all surfaces have been properly decontaminated. 
Contact: ??
laser frequently asked questions
Laser Safety
Covers the requirements of using Class 3B or Class 4 Lasers.
Contact: Radiological Management
mercury thermomoters
Mercury Thermometers
Information covering the mercury thermometer replacement program.
Contact: ??

scanning electron microscope
Scanning Electron Microscope
Useful guide on scanning electron microscopes and radiation safety requirements associated. 
Contact: Radiological Management

x-ray radiation untis
X-ray Radiation Units: Analytical and Diagnostic
Covers the requirements regarding analytical and diagnostic equipment. 
Contact: Radiological Management

Campus Safety Contacts

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Purdue Police
Phone: (765) 494-8221

Purdue Fire
Phone: (765) 494-6919


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