Purdue United Way Surpasses Campaign Goal, Applauds Boilermakers’ Efforts

The Purdue community demonstrated tremendous support for the 2023 Purdue United Way campaign, raising $704,188 for local nonprofits to surpass this year’s goal of $700,000.
The milestone, unattainable without the persistence of Purdue faculty, staff, retirees and students, marks the first time since before the pandemic the Purdue United Way campaign has achieved — and exceeded — its annual campaign goal. Donations to this year’s campaign exceeded 2022 totals by $46,113.
“At the 2023 United Way kickoff hosted at Westwood and as part of ‘Purdue Cares,’ we elevated the target back to pre-Covid-19 level and aimed at achieving that target,” said Purdue University First Lady Dr. Ying Kei Hui. “Thanks to everyone at Purdue who joined the effort, our university has delivered that level of participation to our community of Greater Lafayette.”
Purdue volunteers and United Way of Greater Lafayette leaders gathered Thursday (Nov. 16) to commemorate this year’s exceptional efforts during a United Way of Greater Lafayette campaign victory celebration. Among those attending was Lisa Duncan, Purdue United Way liaison and nonprofit engagement director, who thanks donors for their commitment to support the Greater Lafayette community.

Purdue volunteers gathered on Thursday (Nov. 16) at the United Way of Greater Lafayette victory celebration to recognize the efforts of the 2023 Purdue United Way campaign. From left: Jay Akridge, Ian Hyatt, Candace Shaffer, Lisa Duncan, Virginia Vought and Tom Robertson.
“I’ve learned so much and witnessed firsthand the generosity and giving spirit of Purdue’s huge family,” Duncan said. “Their steadfast commitment to this community, and to those who need the United Way of Greater Lafayette’s services, is truly remarkable and unwavering. Thank you to all who supported our efforts this year!”
Beth McNeil, dean of Libraries and School of Information Studies and the 2023 Purdue United Way campaign chair, is grateful for Boilermakers’ dedication to making this year’s campaign successful.
“Congratulations, Boilermakers! We exceeded our Purdue goal thanks to the many dedicated contributors across campus,” McNeil said. “On behalf of the university and staff who led the way, I express my deep gratitude to all who made this year’s campaign such a success.”
Members of the campus community are still welcome to contribute to this year’s campaign. The Purdue United Way donation website will be active until Nov. 30 for those who wish to pledge.
To learn more about the campaign, visit the Purdue United Way website. Questions can be directed to Lisa Duncan at llduncan@purdue.edu.