Exploratory Studies Explore. Discover. Decide

Leah Criss


Administrative Assistant

Office: Young Hall (YONG), 6th floor
Phone: (765) 494-0843


West Lafayette, IN


B.A. English Language in a Global Context and Linguistics, Purdue University


I have worked part time at the public library in the children’s department for the last five years while finishing high school and college. During my last year of college, I also worked part time as an undergraduate writing tutor for the Purdue Writing Lab and interned with the OEPP program at Purdue for a semester.


  • Intercultural Communication Partner Bronze Level Certificate, Purdue OEPP (Fall 2021)
  • Outstanding Undergraduate Consultant, Purdue Writing Lab (Fall 2021)
  • Oral Presentation, Fyrthyar: An Invented Language, Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference (Spring 2020)

Advice for the Future Boilermaker

  • It's the memories and the relationships you build that will remain with you after graduation. Study well, attend all your classes, join a student organization, and make time for friends.
  • Don't put off opportunities merely because there are still four more years. You never know when a pandemic or another emergency will prevent you from being able to experience those things.
Fun Facts:
  • Language acquisition is one of my interests. I've studied German, French, and Mandarin Chinese and eventually hope to add more languages to that list.
  • I invented a language family. Most of my languages are great for epic poetry and smiting an enemy with lightning, but they're not so great for everyday use.
  • I changed my major three times before I even started college.