Intercultural Mentorship

When CILMAR was being created in 2016, it was very important to our founder Dr. Michael A. Brzezinski that mentorship be at the heart of our name and the heart of all we do. Listen in as our director Kris Acheson-Clair tells the story:

We see CILMAR as a group of mentors mentoring mentors.

CILMAR's plan for scaling up intercultural learning (ICL) on the Purdue-West Lafayette campus includes mentorship. Although mentorship is accomplished using a one-to-one model, scaling up is accomplished when each mentee in turn mentors others.

Examples of ways that CILMAR mentors and encourages mentoring

The Growing Intercultural Leaders (GIL) program, an incentivized program for faculty, provides an ICL mentor for each participant in the program.

The Intercultural Pedagogy Grant (IPG) is organized as four workshops for faculty professional development.  Mentoring occurs particularly in the last session of the workshop, as participants are mentored through their individual plans to incorporate ICL into the curriculum during the education abroad experience that they will lead. 

Although not necessarily a formal mentoring relationship, the professional connections afforded the participants in the Purdue InterCultural Learning Community of Practice (PICLCoP) and the HubICL Workshops offers less experienced practitioners from across campus the opportunity to learn from those who are more experienced.

CILMAR's one-to-one mentoring in embedding ICL into the academic curricula includes needs analysis and coaching.

More resources

For more mentorship resources, created in conjuniction with the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence, please go here.

We mentor so students are mentored and can mentor one another.

The Semester Abroad in Intercultural Learning (SAIL) program provides a one-credit, pass/fail class, which includes a mentoring component and is incentivized by a $2000-scholarship for those who complete the class.

Updated February 14, 2024

Spoon feeding, in the long run, teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.

E. M. Forster