
Global Leaps Exploratory Grants

Global Partnerships and Programs is pleased to announce the Global Leaps Exploratory Grants. These grants are designed to support faculty and staff in developing new study abroad programs. The grants aim to help offset travel costs associated with visiting potential study abroad destinations, ensuring the establishment of high-quality, faculty/staff-led international programs.

Exploratory Grant applications are accepted year-round until all funds have been expended. Please note that grants are competitive and limited in number. Meeting criteria does not guarantee that a grant will be awarded. 

Grant Details

  • Grant Amount: Up to $3,000.
  • Required Department Match: 3:1 match (e.g., $1,000 in departmental funds required for every $3,000 grant award).
  • Purpose: To visit potential study abroad sites for program development, planning logistics and relationship building. Preference for study abroad programs expected to be launched within 18 months of the initial visit.
  • Duration: Grants available to assist with expenses for up to one week.
  • Application Deadline:  Rolling submissions until grant funds have been expended for the year.


  • Applicants: Purdue University faculty and staff with serious intent to develop a new faculty/staff-led study abroad program.
  • Program Focus: The proposed study abroad program should be designed to fulfill graduation, general education, or major requirements and should demonstrate academic rigor and cultural enrichment.
  • Location: Grant applications to locations designated as level 3 or 4 according to the U.S. Department of State’s Travel Advisory System will not be accepted (except Colombia).
  • IPG Program Participation: Have applied to or already participated in the Intercultural Pedagogy Grant (IPG) program.

 Proposal Submission:

  • Submit Application: Complete the Global Leaps Exploratory Grant Application Form.
  • Required Documents: Include the following with your application:
    • Proposal Narrative: Details regarding the need for, objectives of, and expected outcomes of the site visit. Provide additional details regarding the potential study abroad program that you wish to develop at this location.
    • Budget: Present an overview of expected expenses (travel, accommodation, meals, consultation fees) and how the grant will help cover these costs.
    • Institutional Support: Letter of support for matching funds and support of future program from academic unit.

Submission Deadline:

  • At least two months prior to intended travel.

Review Process:

  • Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the significance of the program, feasibility of the site, clarity of objectives, and alignment with Purdue’s internationalization goals.  Applications should outline the community partners/universities that will be engaged and expected outcomes.
  • Decision Notification: Applicants will be notified of award decisions within two weeks of application submission.

Award Expectations:

  • Site Visit: Conduct the site visit within twelve months from the date of application.
  • Summary Report: Submit a comprehensive summary report within 60 days of returning from the site visit.