GPP International Travel Decision Matrix

Faculty/staff overseeing students and other non-employees going to destinations under either an OFAC-sanction or a Travel Advisory of “Level-4” (all), “Level-3” (all), or “Level 2 – Exercise Increased Caution – Contains Areas With Higher Security Risk” (aka “2+”) need to first request an exception, i.e. a “waiver,” from the Purdue Security and Risk Assessment Committee (SRAC) at least two months in advance. Protocol documents are designed for short-term individual students and groups as well as establishing permanent programs. Sponsoring faculty/staff are required to attend to related tasks before participant departure. 

Faculty/staff going to destinations under either an OFAC-sanction or parallel Travel Advisory statuses (above) need Department Head approval as described in the grid below.

OFAC-Sanction countries:  The U.S. Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control is the definitive source of OFAC-sanction countries; see Sanctions Programs and Country Information.

DOS Travel Advisories: The U.S. Department of State map is the definitive source to determine Travel Advisory levels including those “Level 2- Exercise Increased Caution- Contains Areas With Higher Security Risk” (2+).

Please direct questions about student travel to the Purdue Office of Programs for Study Abroad (765-494-2383; and questions about faculty/staff travel to the Purdue Travel Office.


Activity Type Is approval required? Is the University's international insurance required?
OFAC-Sanction Countries:

Faculty/Staff* traveling to any OFAC-sanction country 

Yes: Department Head


Registration is automatic when you submit a travel request in the Concur Travel System before travel

 Student or non-employee traveling to any OFAC-sanction country

Yes: Security and Risk Assessment Committee (SRAC) Waiver Needed


Registration is required via the completion of the form RM23 provided to Risk Management before travel, inclusive of verification from the Office of Global Partnerships and Programs

DOS Travel Advisories:
Faculty/Staff* traveling to international destination with a travel advisory of “Level-4” (all), “Level-3” (all), or “Level 2- Exercise Increased Caution- Contains Areas With Higher Security Risk” (2+) and they will be traveling to an area cited. Yes: Department Head


Registration is automatic when you submit a travel request in the Concur Travel System before travel

Faculty/Staff* traveling to international destination with travel advisory of “Level-1” (all), "Level 2- Exercise Increased Caution" (all), or “Level 2- Exercise Increased Caution- Contains Areas With Higher Security Risk” (2+) but they will not be traveling to any area cited. No


Registration is automatic when you submit a travel request in the Concur Travel System before travel

Student or non-employee traveling to international destination with a travel advisory of “Level-4” (all), “Level-3” (all), or “Level 2- Exercise Increased Caution- Contains Areas With Higher Security Risk” (2+) and they will be traveling to an area cited. Yes: Security and Risk Assessment Committee (SRAC) Waiver Needed


Registration is required via the completion of the form RM23 provided to Risk Management before travel, inclusive of verification from the Office of Global Partnerships and Programs

Student or non-employee traveling to international destination with travel advisory of “Level-1” (all), "Level 2- Exercise Increased Caution" (all), or “Level 2- Exercise Increased Caution- Contains Areas With Higher Security Risk” (2+) but they will not be traveling to any area cited. No


Registration is required via the completion of the form RM23 provided to Risk Management before travel, inclusive of verification from the Office of Global Partnerships and Programs

[ * ] Note: Staff includes graduate students only if under the auspices of holding a graduate staff appointment and conducting activities to fulfill those obligations while abroad all while being in paid status.

UPDATE: 10/17/23: Due to State Department travel guidance, university-related travel to Israel and the West Bank and Gaza is paused until the State Department revises guidance. Personal travel is up to the individual.


QUESTION #1: What is the Department of State Travel Advisory (per map indicators) for each country of activity?

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