Curriculum for CIGP

Curricular Requirements

The following bulleted items apply to both CIGP tracks, CSE and CLS:

  • To fulfill the CSE and CLS course requirements, a total of nine credits are required for a master’s student and 12 credits for a doctoral student.
  • All of the CSE and CLS courses must be completed with a minimum grade of B.
  • The CSE/CLS Seminar course has an attendance requirement that must be met.
  • All courses taken for CIGP should be listed on the Plan of Study as well as the concentration code once admitted to the program.
    • The CIGP Seminar should not be listed on the Plan of Study, as it is a Pass/No Pass course.
  • If you would like to take a course not listed in the course listings linked below, please fill out the Course Request Form.
    • Special/advanced topic courses should be pre-approved by the CIGP office using the request form.
    • No more than one independent study course for MS and no more than two independent study courses for PhD students can be used for CIGP requirements.
  • Graduation candidates must notify CIGP Office for the final audit and concentration approval.  Failure to complete all requirements will cause the concentration to be removed.  Concentration must be on Plan of Study prior to graduation.

Specific Track Requirements

Select your track below to view program-specific requirements.

Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)

Master’s Requirements

Doctoral Requirements

CIGP Seminar Course

The CIGP seminar is a Pass/No Pass course that is offered in both the Spring and Fall Semesters each academic year. While both the CSE and CLS tracks meet in the seminar course together, you will need to register for the seminar associated with your concentration. GRAD68900 CSE Seminar should only be used for CSE students, while GRAD68900 CLS Seminar should only be used for CLS students. Online students should contact

CIGP Symposium

In order to fulfill the Symposium requirement for CIGP, MS Thesis and Non-thesis students must complete an MS Poster Presentation and PhD students must complete a PhD Talk. To allow for this, the CIGP Symposium is only held twice a year: a Fall CIGP Symposium in November and a Spring CIGP Symposium in April. There is no Symposium in the Summer. You do not need to be registered for the CIGP Seminar to present at the CIGP Symposium. Sign-up information will be sent out near the beginning of each semester, and the Symposium requirement should be completed in the final semester of study.

Plan of Study

Upon successful application to CIGP, either for the CSE or CLS track, you must add one of the following concentrations to your Plan of Study (POS). CIGP can either be the first or second concentration listed on your Plan of Study. Please use the below listing to ensure you have the correct track listed for your POS. The CIGP Office reserves the right to remove the CIGP concentration at any time if the student fails to complete CSE or CLS requirements or upon discovery of incorrect use.

  • COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING - IGP (CMEN) for CSE engineering majors
  • COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE - IGP (CMSI) for CSE sciences majors

Ernest C. Young Hall, Room 170 | 155  S. Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2114 | 765-494-2600

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