Council Roles

President Responsibilities

The role of the council president is to provide direction and leadership to the council. This includes scheduling and chairing monthly council meetings, keeping other PPDA council members updated regarding the status of the PPDA and any events, ensuring that relevant topics are brought to the council’s attention for discussion, and acting as a figurehead to the wider postdoc community. When appropriate, the president will be expected to make executive decisions on council matters. The current PPDA president is Alexandre Jacques Gu Lancelot (

Vice-president Responsibilities

The role of the council vice-president is to assist the president in the previously listed roles. The vice-president is expected to assume all the duties of the presidency if the current president is unable, including executive decisions in council matters. Furthermore, it is the vice president’s responsibility to act as a liaison between the president and other council members. The current PPDA co-vice-presidents are Dezhi Wang ( and Subhadeep Das (

Secretary Responsibilities

The role of the council secretary is to organize communications between council members. This includes but is not limited to sending the written agenda to all council members, taking notes and writing minutes at the council meetings, disseminating the notes and meetings to all council members, and keeping roster information including contact information up to date. The current PPDA co-secretary is Subhadeep Das (

Public Relations (PR) Officer

The role of the council PR officer is to communicate the agenda of the PPDA with the wider postdoc community. This includes the maintenance of the PPDA website, social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), and listserv along with the dissemination any important announcements such the council meetings and events through such channels. The current PPDA PR officers are Elvita Eglite ( and Theresa Green (


The role of the council treasurer is to organize and maintain the PPDA budget. This includes tracking and recording all revenues and expenditures, keeping receipts, and communicating with proper channels to ensure reimbursement. The current PPDA co-treasurers are Chetan Arya ( and Jesse Langdon Wolfhagen (

Ernest C. Young Hall, Room 170 | 155  S. Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2114 | 765-494-2600

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