CEREBBRAL Graduate Travel Fellowship
Purpose: To provide funds to allow a student member of CEREBBRAL to travel to a conference and present research results aligned with the center's mission.
Application due Date: April 1, 2024
Travel Year: 2024
Amount: Maximum of $500.00. The funds can be used to reimburse non-covered travel expenses for a student to present at a conference in 2024 or to cover travel to an unpcoming conference in 2024.
How to Apply:
- Fill out the Graduate Travel Fellowship Application (Click Here for Application form)
- Attach your conference submission (e.g., abstract or short article)
- Budget request and justification
- Short Vitae of applicant
Each application will be evaluated by the directors. Funding decisions are made by the directors.
Fundee Responsibilities:
- Fundee should acknowledge CEREBBRAL in the presentation and (idealy) include CEREBBRAL logo
- Fundee needs to provide a copy of the presentation to CEREBBRAL
- Fundee needs to work with their business officee to be reimbursed
Funding Preferences:
- Higher preference for projects closely aligned with CEREBBRAL's mission
- Higher preference for students whose major professor is participating regularly in Center activities and meetings
Completed applications should be sent to cerebbralcenter@purdue.edu as a single pdf.