Concept and Process of Exposure Assessment
Exposure assessment is an applied science that describes how an individual or population comes in contact with a risk factor, including quantification of the amount of the risk factor across space and time (Lioy, 1990). It is a key component in studying health effects of exposure (e.g. epidemiological studies) and in controlling exposure to reduce harm (e.g. compliance/routine surveillance and risk assessment) in both occupational and environmental settings.
- Important factors to be considered in exposure assessment:
When exposure occurs in a microenvironment, such as a location or an activity, it is determined by exposure intensity, exposure frequency, and exposure duration. In order to quantify exposure, following important aspects need to be considered in exposure assessment:
Agent(s) |
biological, chemical, physical, single agent, multiple agents, mixtures |
Source(s) |
anthropogenic/non-anthropogenic, area/point, stationary/mobile, indoor/outdoor |
Transport/carrier medium |
air, water, soil, dust, food, product/item |
Exposure pathway(s) |
eating contaminated food, breathing contaminated workplace air touching residential surface |
Exposure concentration |
mg/kg (food), mg/litre (water), μg/m3 (air), μg/cm2 contaminated surface), % by weight, fibres/m3 (air) |
Exposure route(s) |
inhalation, dermal contact, ingestion, multiple routes |
Exposure duration |
seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, lifetime |
Exposure frequency |
continuous, intermittent, cyclic, random, rare |
Exposure setting(s) |
occupational/non-occupational, residential/non-residential, indoors/outdoors |
Exposed population |
general population, population subgroups, individuals |
Geographic scope |
site/source specific, local, regional, national, international, global |
Time frame |
past, present, future, trends |
- Conceptual Model of Exposure
Establishing a conceptual exposure model is the first step in the process of exposure assessment. It is important to design an exposure assessment strategy according to well-defined exposure scenario and specific assessment objectives. The conceptual model should be defined through a thorough analysis of the exposure pathway, which comprises following five elements:
- Source(s);
- Environmental transport mechanism;
- Point of exposure;
- Exposure routes, e.g., inhalation, ingestion, or dermal contact;
- Receptors and potential health outcomes.
Issues that should be considered in the design of a study need to be considered in this stage. More information can be found in Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual (2005 Update)(Source:
- Exposure Data Collection
Exposure data collection is indeed beyond just collecting exposure measurements. Data sources, sample collection methods, and sample size need to be determined based on well-defined exposure assessment objectives. Data can be collected from a variety of sources, such as directly measured, acquired from existing database, collected from questionnaire, or modeled from other data. Measurements can be direct or indirect. Personal sampling and biological monitoring are examples of methods that directly measure personal exposure. Job exposure matrix (JEM) and area minoring combined with questionnaire and time/location/activity diaries are examples of indirect assessment methods that provide personal exposure estimates. Sometimes exposure surrogates are used.
- Data Analysis, Exposure Estimates and Exposure Error
Many factors need to be evaluated in this stage. Below are some examples:
- Different types of exposure indices can be used to estimated exposure. Their strengths and limitations should be described in the data analysis and results interpretation.
- All exposure measurements can result in measurement error, such as exposure measurements determined from samples collected not representing the true exposure. Exposure misclassification can happen as well, particularly when investigating chronic effects. These compose exposure error, which need to be minimized through study design and evaluated in the data analysis stage. For example, systematic and random error should be compared and contrasted, and the potential effects of each type should be described.
- Quality assurance/quality control, instrument detection limit and method detection limit need to be assessed in the study design and discussed in data analysis.
- Potential confounding need to be minimized and controlled in both study design and analysis phase.