Ongoing Support

    • Women's Global Health Institute Purdue  Freeman/Dydak/Samuel (MPIs)  02/23/2022 - 02/23/2023
    • Sex differences in neurological outcomes associated with agrichemical exposure in rural populations: A feasibility study
    • The goal of this project is to study sex differences in neurochemical changes and behavioral outcomes due to exposure to the herbicide atrazine.
    • Role: Multi-PI

    • International Manganese Institute  Dydak (PI)  09/01/2021 - 08/31/2023
    • Exposure to Metal Mixtures in Welding Fumes
    • The goal of this project is to study the differential health effects of exposure to different metals in welders via Bayesian Network Analysis and comparison of aluminum and steel welders.
    • Role: PI

    • NIH/NIEHS R01 ES032478  Dydak (PI)  04/07/2021 - 01/31/2026
    • Neuroimaging of Manganese Toxicity
    • The goal of this project is to define the spatial-temporal toxicokinetics of manganese (Mn) in the human brain exposed to welding fumes, and dose-dependent relationships of brain Mn to oxidative stress markers and neurological outcomes.
    • Role: PI

    • NIH/NIMH R01 MH120313  Deligiannidis (PI)  04/01/2020 - 03/31/2025
    • Relationships between Neuroactive Steroids, GABA and Glutamate MRS and Connectivity of the Default Mode Network in Postpartum Depression
    • The goal of this project is to study the roles of neuroactive steroids, in vivo neurotransmitter levels and functional brain circuits in Postpartum Depression.
    • Role: Co-I

    • Indiana CTSI Collaboration in Translational Research (CTR) Grant  Dydak & Liangpunsakul (MPIs)  05/01/2020 - 04/30/2023
    • Predicting Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
    • The goal of this project is to use the spectroscopic profiles of 1H and 31P MRS of the liver to predict the occurrence of liver cancer in patients with fatty liver disease.
    • Role: Co-I

    • NIH/NINDS R01 AA026014  Durazzo & Yoder (PI)  09/20/2018 - 08/31/2023
    • Compounded Neuronal Damage in Comorbid Cigarette Smoking and Addiction
    • The goal of this project is to use multi-modal neuroimaging techniques to determine the dose-response function of cigarette smoking history on brain damage.
    • Role: Co-I

    • NIH R01 HL140488  Anderson (PI)  04/01/2020 - 03/31/2023
    • Sodium Regulation in Individuals on Known Dietary Sodium Intake
    • The goal of this project is to use MRI and neuron activation to test the dependence of muscle, skin and bone sodium content on diet.
    • Role: Co-I

  • Selected Recent Funding

      • International Manganese Institute  Dydak (PI)  09/01/2018 - 08/30/2022
      • Can Toenail Mn Levels predict Brain Mn levels?
      • The goal of this project is to study whether a relationship exists between toenail manganese levels and brain Mn levels as measured by MRI, as a function of time delay between toenail clipping and MRI.
      • Role: PI

      • Indiana CTSI Collaboration in Translational Research (CTR) Grant  Dydak (PI)  08/01/2018 - 07/31/2022
      • Development of High-Resolution Metabolic Imaging of the Human Liver
      • The goal of this project is to develop and test reproducibility of a high-resolution 31P and 1H MRSI sequence of the human liver for applications in liver disease.
      • Role: PI

      • Purdue Northwestern Catalyst Grant  Isaac-Lam (PI)  01/01/2019 - 06/30/2022
      • Imaging the Aging Human Brain
      • The goal of this project is to assess changes of GABA and Glutathione in the human brain as a function of age.
      • Role: Co-I

      • Purdue Northwestern Interdisciplinary Grant  Isaac-Lam (PI)  07/01/2018 - 12/31/2022
      • Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy (MRI/MRS) for Biomarker Assessment of Oxidative Stress Intensified by Smoking in PTSD Subjects
      • Role: External Advisor

      • NIH/NINDS R01 NS085136  Louis (PI)  09/15/2013 - 07/31/2020
      • In Vivo Quantification of Cerebellar GABA and NAA in Essential Tremor
      • The goal of this project is to use MRS to measure GABA levels in the cerebellar dentate and NAA in the cortex in a longitudinal study to elucidate the underlying pathophysiology of essential tremor.
      • Role: Co-I

      • University of Michigan COHSE NIOSH Pilot Grant  Park (PI)  07/01/2019 - 12/31/2020
      • Nano Particulates in Welding Fumes and Manganese Deposition in the Human Brain: Does Size Matter?
      • The goal of this project is to test the hypothesis that the exposure to nano-sized Mn in welding gumes is better correlated with Mn deposited in the brain than the exposure to Mn in respirable particles.
      • Role: Mentor & Co-I

      • NIH/NIEHS F31 ES028081  Edmondson (PI)  06/01/2017 - 05/31-2019
      • Multimodal Neuroimaging Approaches to Modeling Manganese Toxicity
      • The goal of this project is to improve the quantification of Mn toxicity using MRI, mathematical and pharmacokinetic modeling.
      • Role: Mentor/Sponsor

      • NIH/NINDS R01 NS085136  Louis (PI)  09/15/2013 - 08/31/2018
      • In Vivo Quantification of Cerebellar GABA and NAA in Essential Tremor
      • This project makes use of MRS to measure GABA levels in the cerebellar dentate and NAA in the cortex in a longitudinal study to elucidate the underlying pathophysiology of essential tremor.
      • Role: Co-I

      • NIH/NIEHS ONES R01 ES020529  Dydak(PI)  09/12/2011 - 04/30/2018
      • Neuroimaging for Early Diagnosis of Manganese Toxicity in Humans and Rodents
      • This grant aims to develop and use novel MRI and MRS techniques to find biomarkers of effect and explore the underlying mechanism of Manganese neurotoxicity in the human and the rodent brain.
      • Role: PI

      • Gadamski Foundation - Collaborative Autism Research Grant  Dydak (PI)  09/12/2016 - 04/28/2018
      • Regional GABA Variations in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Novel 3D Multi-Voxel MRS Investigation
      • The goal of this project is to show feasibility to use 3D GABA-edited spectroscopic imaging in healthy children and children with autism spectrum disorder.
      • Role: PI

      • CEREBRAL Pilot Grant  Dydak (PI)  01/09/2017 - 01/08/2018
      • MRI/MRS Sequence Development, Optimization, and Testing
      • The goal of this project is to optimize the setup of GABA MRS at the new Purdue Life Science MRI facility
      • Role: PI

      • NIH/ORIP S10OD012336  Dydak (PI)  04/01/15 - 03/30/2017
      • 3T MRI Scanner dedicated to Life Sciences Research
      • To obtain a 3T research-dedicated MRI scanner for Purdue University
      • Total cost: $2,000,000
      • Role: PI

      • Purdue Neuroscience Pilot Grant  Keehn (PI)  07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017
      • Attentional Strengths and GABAergic Function in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
      • The goal of this project is to determine the relationship between attentional strength and GABAergic functioning, and between GABA abnormalities and ASD symptomatology.
      • Role: Co-PI

      • Purdue NIH Competing Renewal R01 program  Dydak (PI)  11/01/2015 - 06/31/2017
      • Imaging of Dopaminergic Neuron Function in Welders
      • The goal of this project is to generate pilot data and show feasibility to study the inhibition of dopamine release, and thus dopaminergic neuronal dysfunction, using [11C]-raclopride PET imaging with amphetamine challenge in a subset of our well-established welder cohort.
      • Role: PI

      • Indiana CTSI  Mackie (PI)  09/01/2015 - 08/31/2017
      • Translational adolescent cannabis use research center
      • This is a pilot grant to establish the necessary collaborations and pilot data for a NIH proposal to form a center to investigate the antecedents and effects of adolescent cannabis use in both preclinical models and in adolescent and young adult populations
      • Role: Co-I

      • NIOSH PPRT  Wells (PI)  7/01/2014 - 6/30/2015
      • Impact of co-exposure to metals on manganese neurotoxicity
      • To assess the impact of co-exposure to Zn, Fe, Al, Cu and Pb to neurotoxic effects of exposure to manganese in welding, by measuring blood and air metal concentrations and correlating them to cognitive and neuroimaging findings.
      • Role: Co-PI

      • PUCCR Challenge Grant  Dydak (PI)  04/01/2012 - 03/31/2013
      • 3D 31P MRSI of Human Liver: A Spatially-resolved Study of Normal and Malignant Tissue Response to Radiation Therapy
      • To determine the utility of 3D 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (3D 31P MRSI) to evaluate the diagnostic and/or prognostic value of spatially resolved radiation induced metabolic alterations in both healthy and malignant liver tissue.
      • Role: PI

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