Campaign update
Ever True: The Campaign for Purdue University is in its final year. This campaign has marked a lot of firsts, including the University’s first $400 million fundraising year; $37.6 million raised in a 24-hour period on the Purdue Day of Giving; and a record of more than 85,000 loyal, generous donors. These great achievements are all testament to the truly amazing alumni and friends dedicated to helping Purdue reach new heights. As of July 1, Purdue’s total campaign fundraising has exceeded $1.9 billion in gifts and pledges toward the campaign goal of $2.019 billion.
With similar success, the College of Health and Human Sciences has surpassed its $77 million campaign goal. Of that $77 million goal, the School of Nursing has raised over $9 million toward its $13 million goal.
As we head into the homestretch for the Ever True campaign and Purdue’s 150th anniversary year, the School of Nursing finds itself in a unique position. The school's initiative is to double undergraduate enrollment, add at least 36 new faculty and support staff, grow graduate programs, and establish a new PhD program — all creating a vital need for a new, cutting-edge facility. Now more than ever, we are leaning on our undeniably loyal and generous alumni, friends and industry partners to help take the School of Nursing to the next level.
With the school’s growth, there is a direct need to attract and retain top-tier faculty. Endowed and distinguished professorships are among the highest honors that can be granted to a faculty member and are essential to recruit and retain top professors.
The growth in the undergraduate program continues to increase the need for endowed scholarships for undergraduates and graduate students. The school will need to continue to attract the top students — not only in Indiana but around the country. As the undergraduate program grows, so, in turn, will our graduate programs. Support in these areas will continue to make sure the School of Nursing graduates the best nurses, clinicians and leaders in the country.
With the expansion, the school has begun reviewing the challenges in both quality and quantity of space needed for the high level of nursing education associated statewide and beyond with Purdue’s School of Nursing. Today’s nurse is not limited to the traditional role and responsibilities in the health care setting. We are seeing nurses appointed to positions in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to medical devices to computer science.
With that in mind, the School of Nursing is looking to capitalize on the strengths of Purdue University to design a new facility that attracts and fosters interprofessional experiences. These experiences will enrich the nursing curriculum and prepare Purdue Nursing graduates to be health care leaders not only in the United States, but globally. A new facility will address many needs for our students, faculty and staff. But this will be possible only with the help of our alumni, friends and industry partners.
Let’s keep the momentum going as we in the College of Health and Human Sciences and the School of Nursing strive to make lives and communities better!
Hail Purdue,
Brandt Patz
Director of Development
College of Health and Human Sciences