Eligible Dependents

Eligible dependents include:

  • Your legal spouse. When a person is no longer your legal spouse, that person no longer qualifies as your eligible dependent. Separated spouses are still considered married. Exception to this rule is:
  • Each dependent child as defined by the IRS.

    • Medical and Vision: Children can be covered until reaching the end of the month of their 26th birthday; IRS dependency is not required. The Purdue Health Plans with HSA's offer dependent child medical coverage up to end of the month of their 26th birthday, but the associated health savings account allows dependent child reimbursement only if the child qualifies as your IRS dependent.
    • Dental: Children can be covered until reaching the end of the month of their 26th birthday; IRS dependency is not required.   
    • Critical Illness Insurance: Your biological, adopted, step child or a child subject to your legal guardianship who is under age 26.
    • Hyatt Legal: Dependent child (as defined by the IRS) can be covered until reaching the age of 26.
    • Supplemental Hospital Insurance: Your biological, adopted, or stepchild who is under age 26 or a child subject to your legal guardianship who is under age 26.
    • Term life and AD&D coverage: Children are eligible from birth to the end of the month in which the child attains age 26. Children who are age 26 and older are eligible if they are physically or mentally incapable of self-support, were incapable of self-support prior to age 26 and are financially dependent on the employee for one half of their support and maintenance.
    • Please review the Dependent Eligibility for Purdue University Benefit Programs document for additional information.

You will be asked to provide verification of your dependent's eligibility if you enroll a dependent.

The term child includes any of the following, until the child reaches the limiting age:

  • A natural child;

  • A step child;

  • A legally adopted child or a child legally placed for adoption;

  • A child under your legal guardianship

Children who are physically or mentally incapable of self-support as determined by Anthem may continue on your Purdue coverage beyond the normal age limit if the disability continues and the child remains unmarried. The child must already be covered under the plan. You may be asked to provide certification of the child's disability every two to three years. Documentation must be on file prior to child reaching the limiting age.