Forms by Type

Quick Reference Guides are available to assist when using a DocuSign form.



Additional Pay

The AD Pay Forms (West Lafayette, Fort Wayne and Northwest campuses) are accessible via DocuSign in the Overload and AD Pay Forms folder and are used to process awards, extra duty, bravo and other recurring or nonrecurring payments. Follow the DocuSign - Sending a Template quick reference guide to learn how to access the appropriate template, route for approval and monitor status of the form.

Administrative Supplements for Non-Exempt Staff

The Administrative Supplements for Non-Exempt Staff is accessible via DocuSign in the Administrative Supplements for Non-Exempt Staff folder and is used to process awards, extra duty, bravo and other recurring or nonrecurring payments. Follow the DocuSign - Sending a Template quick reference guide to learn how to access the appropriate template, route for approval and monitor status of the form.

Overload Payment

The Overload Payment Forms (West Lafayette, Fort Wayne and Northwest campuses) are linked in processes for extra compensation. The following are DocuSign forms that will route for approval.

Overpayment Repayment Agreement Form

The agreement form is initiated by the WL Payroll Center or PNW/PFW Payroll area (Human Resources) and routed to employee for signature. The form is uploaded to the OverPayment Process SharePoint site for payroll to process. The form acknowledges the repayment agreement. Payroll Centers will utilize the email template to notify employee of the overpayment and acknowledge they will receive an email via DocuSign to sign the form. Employees can follow the Employee Overpayment Repayment Agreement Quick Reference to review and sign form. 

Please access DocuSign, search the Shared Folders for Overpayment under Templates, in order to initiate the Agreement Form. Follow the DocuSign - Sending a Template quick reference guide to learn how to access the appropriate template, route for approval and monitor status of the form.

Off-Cycle Payment Request

An Off-cycle Payroll will generate payments for employees who did not receive payments to which they were entitled during the regular payroll run and the employee cannot be reasonably expected to wait until the next regular payroll run.  Payroll or Employment Centers use this paper form.

Off-Cycle Payment Request Form with Instructions

Tech Allowance

Form is linked in the process for requesting, editing or deleting tech allowances. The DocuSign form routes for supervisor and fiscal approval.

Cost Override

The DocuSign form routes for supervisor and fiscal approval.

Contract Extension or Non Renewal

These forms are used to extend contracts or notice of non-renewal.  Initiate the Form 19, 19L or 19E through DocuSign by following the DocuSign - Sending a Template quick reference guide to learn how to access the appropriate template, route for approval and monitor status of the form.

The forms are located in DocuSign within a shared folder called Contract Extension or Non Renewal.

  • Form 19 – Faculty Extension
  • Form 19L – Lecturer Appointment or Form 19L – Lecturer New Appointment (regional campuses only)
  • Form 19E – Notice of Non-Renewal of Contract

Change in Location of Duty

A Change in Duty form is required for completion when an employee’s normal work duties will be performed for more than 22 days away from their hiring campus. The change in location is not required to complete the work but rather the same work can be completed from a different location. The  departmental business office, payroll center or administrator initiates the form in DocuSign. Follow the Quick Reference Guide or Process to learn how to complete the form.

Additional information is provided on the Global Support website, Change in Duty Station Request.

Please initiate the Change in Location of Duty Form through DocuSign by following the DocuSign - Sending a Template quick reference guide to learn how to access the appropriate template, route for approval and monitor status of the form.

The form is located in DocuSign within a shared folder called Change of Duty.

Non-Paid Employees that need SAP/SF Access

The Non-Employment Appointment form is used for non-paid, usually short-term positions, that need access to SuccessFactors or SAP systems. If access is not needed, the Request for Privileges may be the best option.

Social Security Number Request

Employment or Payroll center can initiate the Social Security Number Request form for F-1/J-I student workers hired for their area(s). The student’s last and first name, date of birth, start date, job information, hours per week, and PUID are needed. The form routes to International Students and Scholars (ISS).