Moving Allowance (Relocation)
Moving allowance can be included in the offer letter and processed through payroll as part of the recruitment/onboarding process. When moving expenses are not included in the offer letter, follow the Moving Allowance Business process. Review the following helpful resources:
- Policy on Moving Allowances for Faculty and A/P Staff
- Publication 521 outlines the taxability of moving allowances and reimbursements.
- Moving Allowance/Reimbursement Payments to Employees Process
- Moving Allowance Tax Withholding Calculator for ZV60 Process
- Business offices can contact Procurement if laboratory supplies or equipment is included in the moving allowance. If the candidate elects to take advantage of a discount moving agreement, normal purchasing procedures will be followed. Visit the Moving Quote webpage provided by Procurement Services to review moving quotes.
- The Moving Calculator can be used to estimate costs.