Duplicate or Corrected W-2, 1042S, and 1099-MISC

For current tax year and the previous two tax years W-2 forms, please contact tax@purdue.edu for directions to access the W-2 online at ADP. Other Forms access can be communicated also. 

For tax years three years prior to the current tax year, use the Duplicate Tax Form Request.

For faster service, you may email the form to tax@purdue.edu, but please list only the LAST 4 DIGITS of your Social Security Number for your data security.

Request forms may still be mailed to our office, but please allow 10-15 business days for our staff to send your forms to you.

U.S. Mailing Address

Purdue University Payroll and Tax Department
Attn: Tax Form Requests
2550 Northwestern Ave., Suite 1100
West Lafayette, IN 47906