Offboarding Employees

Exit Interviews
Exit surveys are automatically sent to employees leaving the University, once Offboarding is initiated in SuccessFactors. Those wanting an in-person interview will meet with the appropriate HR Business Partner. HR Business Partners review exit survey results.
Separation and Reduction in Workforce (RIF) Processes
Supervisors and managers should discuss employee separation considerations with their HR Business Partner, listed within the staff directory. Important resources include:
- Separation Pay (VI.F.1.) Policy
- Reduction in Workforce (VI.F.2) Policy
- Reduction in Workforce Procedures
- Summary
- Process
Employee Death Processes
A death of the Boilermaker family or extended family is filled with feelings of grief and loss. Supervisors and managers are encouraged to contact their HR Business Partner, listed within the staff directory, for further discussion. It is important to notify immediately the Employment or Payroll Center.
Following are helpful resources and policies.
- Business Continuation FAQs
- Sample Condolence letter
- Guidelines for notification of an employee death
Offboarding Tasks
The supervisor should ensure all University-owned equipment is returned and accounted for, when applicable. This includes laptops, key fobs, specialized equipment and any other items moved offsite for remote work. The supervisor can work with their business office to update information originally submitted on the POC form, acknowledging equipment was moved to an off-campus site.