SuccessFactors Roles and Privileges

Supervisors, managers and administrative personnel, such as administrative assistants have roles tied to their position in order to perform specific tasks within SuccessFactors.

  • They can create positions, create requisitions to post positions, participate in the recruitment process in various roles and onboard new employees.
  • Supervisors and managers can approve time and time off, complete goals with their staff and participate in the annual appraisal process.
  • Senior leaders are often in workflows for pay changes, participate in promotion and merit processes.

Business offices and college or area payroll centers have roles to assist with:

  • student quick hire processes
  • all pay-related tasks, including employee data changes, terminations
  • approvals for budget-related tasks

Purdue uses the SAP Identity Management (IDM) to assign and track business roles. The role request form is a tile within SuccessFactors. Supervisors and business offices or payroll centers can request roles for new positions or edit roles on current positions.

Please review this resource to learn more about SuccessFactors functions and roles.

Visit SAP Management (IDM) – Roles and Privileges webpage to learn how to request roles, review role descriptions and contact list.