Summer Payroll
The online SEEMLESS (Summer Employment and Effort Management Leading Efficiency through a Simple Solution) application is used to create, review and approve summer calendars. SEEMLESS is accessible through the OneCampus portal.
- All Employee information is transferred over to SEEMLESS as of the first day of summer and the first day of each month.
- Monthly calendars are for Academic Year (AY) Faculty/Staff and biweekly calendars are available for (AY) Grad Staff.
- The Summer Calculator (paper form) is used when specific actions or change in pay effective date occurs after the first day of the month. See SEEMLESS vs Summer Calculator for more information.
- Users with multiple appointments will see all PERNRs listed on the Summer Pay Dashboard and can select the appropriate PERNR to complete calendar and cost distribution, and submit the calendar.
- Business offices need to ensure that the total Summer Pay does not exceed 1.0 FTE.
- Business offices or payroll centers can utilize the Summer Cost Distribution Tool for their particular campus to calculate cost distribution for each pay period during the summer.
Business Office Quick References | Faculty Quick References |
AY Graduate Staff and Summer Pay
- Summer pay for graduate staff will be calculated by the submission of biweekly pay period calendars in SEEMLESS.
- The business office and/or faculty can create and submit biweekly calendars on the student’s behalf. Biweekly calendars require business office review.
- The steps to take within SEEMLESS to enter summer pay for graduate staff is similar to faculty, with the difference being the pay period calendars versus the monthly calendars.
- Business offices also can submit Mass Calendars for graduate staff.
- Summer Pay Practices

General Information
- SEEMLESS VS Summer Calculator
- Academic-Year Employment Policy (VI.F.12)
- Academic-Year Employment Pay Practices
- Summer Calendar - All Campuses
- Summer Pay Calculator - AY/FY
- Summer Pay Calculator - BW
- Questions: