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IDA+A Staff wins Outstanding Dissertation Award

IDA+A Staff wins Outstanding Dissertation Award

Sarah Bauer recognized with INAIR’s Lifetime Achievement Award

Dr. Yao Yang

Dr. Yao Yang’s dissertation, "Toward Excellence with Equity: Role of Mathematics Self-Efficacy in Enhancing Mathematics Achievement," earned 2024 Outstanding Dissertation Award (2nd place) from the National Association for Gifted Children. Conducted at Purdue University, this three-paper dissertation explores mathematics achievement disparities in the U.S. through the lens of self-efficacy, connecting academic excellence with equity.

The research investigates achievement gaps across demographic groups, the role of self-efficacy in bridging these gaps, and the mediating influence of motivational factors on achievement, using various multilevel modeling statistical analysis and data from the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

By integrating insights on self-efficacy and student outcomes, Dr. Yang continues to champion evidence-based strategies to foster inclusive academic success and reduce achievement gaps in higher education.