A collection of public-facing dashboards meant to provide comprehensive quantitative information on the major dimensions of the university, including students, faculty, staff, and budget through interactive and visual information.
A collection of internal dashboards meant to provide comprehensive quantitative information to support operations or strategic decision support through interactive and visual information.
An IBM product that is Purdue’s enterprise reporting tool supported by the Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC). Data has been grouped by subject matter, summarized into standard reports, and is available for custom reporting. Faculty and staff with a business need for data at a granular level should visit the BICC’s website
What reports and dashboards should I use?
The Data Digestcontains publicly available data and should be the first destination for various data items.
If more information is needed beyond the Data Digest, users affiliated with the university can login to Management Dashboards. The Management Dashboards should be used to garner operational insights and guide strategic decision making.
If more granular information is needed beyond the Management Dashboards, users with a business need who are affiliated with the university can request access to the enterprise reporting tool, Cognos. More information about Cognos can be found on the BICC’s Website
What is the difference between live versus frozen data?
Live data continues to be updated in real-time. Frozen data is a snapshot of the data on the day it was copied and saved. Frozen data never changes.
Examples of frozen data include census data that captures enrollment, retention rates, and degrees conferred. Some frozen files are captured several weeks into the semester and some after the end of the semester. Frozen files are used for longitudinal reporting where point-in-time or trend analysis is needed. Mandated reporting, such as IPEDS, uses frozen data. See Data Cookbook for more information about the frozen data capture events.
An example of live data is the number of students enrolled in a course on any given day. This number may change from day to day. It is used for daily operations where having the most current data is needed.
To determine whether to use live versus frozen data, ask the questions:
Do I need to see how things stand now? Live data
Do I need to see how things were when the event happened? Frozen data
Does Purdue have a Factbook?
Yes, this information is available in the Data Digest
How do I access the restricted filters on the Data Digest?
The restricted filters can be accessed by those affiliated with Purdue by having a current FERPA certification. It may take up to 24 hours between completion of the certification before access is granted.
What certifications are required for me to have access to Student data, Human Resources data, or Finance data?
The Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) website provides access information for both Student Dataand Business Data.
How do I get access to Cognos?
Details about obtaining a Cognos license are available on the Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) website.
Where can I find training resources for Cognos?
The Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) provides Cognos Training on their website
What is a census date and why is it important?
The census date is when official data are captured and ‘frozen’. For more information see the difference between live versus frozen data. The census event is typically completed early in each term.
Which other offices on campus also collect and provide data on students, faculty, and staff?
There are several offices on campus that collect data on Purdue University students, faculty, and staff and all have separate and vital reporting responsibilities. Human Resources Data and Analytics collects and provides data on faculty, staff, and graduate research/fellowships. Academic Data Managers provide college and departmental level information.
When are enrollment data updated for the current academic year?
Enrollment data are updated early in the fall semester, shortly after the fall census. The Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) maintains a list of key dates on their website
Why is my number different than yours?
Numbers can vary for several reasons:
Different assumptions
For example, you included lecturers in faculty count, but I excluded them.
Different data sources
For example, you’re looking at live data and I’m looking at frozen (See live vs. frozen data for more information.)
Different systems: For example, you’re looking at faculty counts from Elements whereas I’m looking at faculty counts from Success Factors.
Peer Comparisons/Benchmarking
What is the Common Data Set (CDS)?
“The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among data providers in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the College Board, Peterson’s, and U.S. News & World Report. The combined goal of this collaboration is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student’s transition into higher education, as well as to reduce the reporting burden on data providers.” - Common Data Set
Purdue’s Common Data Set is available on theIDA+A website
What is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)?
IPEDS is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, and it is the data system that the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) uses to conduct surveys and collect data. Completion is mandatory for institutions participating in Title IV funding.
Sponsored program services maintains a listof peer institutions.
Additionally, the Office of the Provost uses the following lists:
Expanded Big Ten:
University of California Los Angeles University of Illinois Indiana University University of Iowa University of Maryland University of Michigan Michigan State University University of Minnesota University of Nebraska-Lincoln Northwestern University Ohio State University
University of Oregon Pennsylvania State University Rutgers University-New Brunswick University of Southern California
University of Washington University of Wisconsin-Madison
Association of American Universities (AAU) Non-Medical Peers:
California Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Colorado-Boulder Carnegie Mellon University University of Texas-Austin Princeton University University of California Berkeley Brandeis University Rice University University of California Santa Cruz University of California Santa Barbara University of Oregon University of Notre Dame University of Illinois (has new medical school) Arizona State University (has new medical school)
To what other organizations does Purdue University report its student and faculty data?
Purdue University provides student and Human Resource (HR) data on a scheduled basis to the groups outlined below.
Government Agencies/Mandated Reporting:
IPEDS (The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) ICHE/CHEDSS (Indiana Commission for Higher Education / Commission for Higher Education Data Submission System) NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) CRRSAA: HEERF (Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund)
US News and World Report Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings
Data Exchanges/Consortiums:
CDS (Common Data Set Exchange) AAUDE (Association of American Universities Data Exchange) CSRDE (Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange) AAUP (American Association of University Professors) UIA (University Innovation Alliance) Academic Analytics NC-SARA (National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements) OSU FSS (Oklahoma State University Faculty Salary Survey)
College Board
Is there a location to explore peer institutions’ websites and data resources?
The AAUDE (American Association of Universities Data Exchange) provides a tool for exploring participating peer institution websites to retrieve a variety of information quickly and efficiently. This Tableau viz of AAUDE Institutional Linksprovides an easier access point to visit these webpages.
If your college or department has an internal data unit, they should be the first point of contact for data requests.
If you are not supported by an internal data unit or you do not know who your data manager is, contact idata@purdue.edu
Routine clients include:
Academic Data Managers Athletics Board of Trustees Center for Instructional Excellence CILMAR Graduate School Purdue Information Technology Purdue Online Student Life Student Success Summer Session Treasury and Operations Vice Provost of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs
Vice Provost of Teaching and Learning Undergraduate Curriculum Council
How do I make a data request, general, or survey project request?
Project requests can be submitted to our team via the project requests form. If you have additional questions before submitting the form, please email idata@purdue.edu
What is the cost for IDA+A services?
IDA+A provides services to the campus community and partners for little to no cost. We are service-based, internal consultants, and we are passionate about using data to inform decision making across campus.
What assessment services does IDA+A offer?
IDA+A offers the following:
Assistance to academic and co-curricular programs with evaluation of their curriculum, specialized and regional accreditation activities, and assessment of student learning achievements.
Partnership with the University Curriculum Council (UCC)to coordinate and facilitate assessment activities for Embedded and Foundational Learning Outcomes (ELOs and FLOs, respectively) that make up the Core Curriculum.
Survey methodology guidance and assistance with securing a sample of Purdue constituents to survey.
IDA+A supports equity work at Purdue by providing curated resource collections about equity-focused assessment instruments, and as appropriate, subsidizing training for selected Purdue professionals outside the IDA+A office in validated and reliable cultural competence instruments
Creation, validation, and longitudinal measures on important Campus Constructs(I.e., research constructs).
What data collection support does IDA+A’s assessment team offer?
IDA+A supports the collection of data via methods that occur outside of typical business intelligence mechanisms or information technology.
IDA+A offers their expertise in both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, with a staff that provides a variety of diverse ontological, axiological, and epistemological views.
IDA+A maintains a calendar (Career Account login required) of all known, large-scale survey efforts going on across student, faculty, staff, and other constituents.
IDA+A assists our colleagues in combating survey or measurement fatigue by providing custom samples of students, faculty or staff. IDA+A draws these samples to ensure that researchers get a sufficient list of their target population while also ensuring that no individual on campus is contacted for surveys too frequently. Please use our project requests form to garner our services in this area.
IDA+A provides expertise on survey methodology and measurement in education topics, such as, but not limited to: inference and error in surveys; target populations, sampling frames, and coverage errors; sample designs and sample errors; methods of data collection; messaging strategies; nonresponse in sample surveys; questions and answers in surveys or questionnaires; post collection processing of survey data; assessment of qualitative results; principles and practices related to ethical survey and measurement in higher education.
IDA+A maintains a library of important Campus Constructs. These are priority matters that have an approved best method of asking and measuring. Inside Qualtrics, any Purdue users can click on the Campus Constructs Library and then drag and drop any of the Campus Constructs question sets into their own survey instrument.
IDA+A supports survey design and administration in Qualtrics. We can help ensure a survey will obtain unambiguous results and we can add desired bells and whistles to keep the survey interesting and unconfusing to respondents.
IDA+A maintains a marketplace of survey metadata and contact information. Researchers wanting data about any topic can look there and see what exists and who to contact to learn what the previous survey found.
IDA+A does not make judgements or recommendations about the propriety of any specific survey protocol. That is the job of the Institutional Review Board and IDA+A defers to the IRB.
What is the average turnaround on a data request?
IDA+A works to meet unit/local deadlines whenever possible. Turnaround time varies based on complexity of the request.
The Data Digest does not have the information I need. Who can I contact?
If your college or department has an internal data unit, they should be the first point of contact for data requests.
If you are not supported by an internal data unit or you do not know who your data manager is, contact idata@purdue.edu
I need help building a dashboard/report, who can I contact?
If your college or department has an internal data unit, they should be the first point of contact for data requests.
If you are not supported by an internal data unit or you do not know who your data manager is, contact idata@purdue.edu
Where can I find an overview on Data Digest?
The Purdue community can access the Data Digest Overview course in Success Factors
Data Governance
How is data governance defined at Purdue?
Data governance is the process of managing data quality, consistent data definitions, business logic, and reporting practices to allow for efficient operations and strategic decision-making.
Who decides what access I have to data?
Functional areas work with their data steward to define what data is accessible based on a business need. The Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) website provides access information for both Student Dataand Business Data
Where can I find more information on the university’s metadata? Is there a data dictionary available?
Data Cookbookis Purdue’s enterprise metadata source, documenting standard content - field definitions and reports/dashboards. Examples include Data Digest dashboards, Management dashboards, and standard Cognos reports. Definitions are available across numerous functional areas including Student, Finance, Human Resources, Sponsored Program Research, Administrative Operations, Graduate School, and Admissions. Additional functional areas are added as needed.
What is Data Cookbook?
Data Cookbook software is the enterprise source for Purdue’s data definitions, standard reports, and dashboards. It allows the institution to discuss, agree upon, document, and share definitions and report specifications. Having a well-documented data dictionary and catalog of official, standard reports allows for the efficient use of the abundance of institutional data.
Who has access to Data Cookbook?
Faculty, staff, and students with a career account can create a Data Cookbook account by logging into the software at purdue.datacookbook.eduwith their Purdue Login.
Where can I find training on Data Cookbook?
Data Cookbook training resources are available on the IDA+A website. The materials can also be accessed via Data Cookbook:
Click on your name at the top of the screen and select " Purdue Cookbook Training Materials".
How do I add definitions and specifications to Data Cookbook?
For assistance with adding content to Data Cookbook, contact idata@purdue.edu
How can I add feedback or ask a question regarding a Data Cookbook definition or specification?
Definition and Specification pages include a ‘History and Comments’ section at the bottom of the page. If a user has a question or would like to provide feedback to improve the definition, they can add a comment. Comments are routed to the functional area for review.
Please note, all comments are publicly visible to everyone with a Cookbook account.
What is assessment?
In essence, assessment is a process comprised of purposeful and intentional planning aimed at collecting, analyzing and making meaningful connections of the data to inform decisions on effectiveness and drive continuous improvement.
Assessment at Purdue is “the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs” (Palomba & Banta, 1999). Typically, ‘assessment’ implies an emphasis on student learning, however, at Purdue, assessment describes gathering and analyzing data for “institutional, departmental, divisional, or agency effectiveness” (Upcraft & Schuh, 1996). At its core, assessment guides good practice (Erwin, 1991).
Why do we assess?
Assessment is a process of improvement; Assessment is primarily a mechanism that informs practitioners and serves to advance learning and development (across individuals or groups [students, faculty, staff, etc.], programs, institution or campus, and organization). By assessing, we are identifying areas of improvement and solutions that will lead to better outcomes. Assessment is also a form of accountability in demonstrating that and the practice(s) of teaching and its outcomes- namely, learning and development- are reflective of best practices and equitable achievements (effectively contribute to equitable achievements?).
“In this sense, assessment for improvement is essentially an internal matter. In contrast, assessment data collected for the purpose of accountability are used primarily to demonstrate that the institution is using its resources appropriately to help students develop the knowledge, skills, competencies, and dispositions required to function effectively in the 21st century. The information is typically intended for external audiences” (Ewell, 2009).
Why can’t we rely on grades?
In short, measuring student achievement with grades is like measuring distances with unstandardized pieces of string. Course grades are designed or decided separately by hundreds of different instructors to match expectations for hundreds of different courses and hundreds of different learners, at any given point in time.
Academic departments often work to ensure that all sections of a course have similar content and similar requirements and expectations, but there is no similar effort to ensure that requirements for all courses across Purdue University require similar knowledge gain, or effort, or subject mastery to earn an ‘A’.
Why can’t we use student survey data in assessment?
Surveys are a method to indirectly assess student learning; via surveys or questionnaires students are able to self-assess their own learning achievement or developmental progress. However, students cannot be relied on to objectively evaluate the degree to which they have gained or demonstrated the necessary knowledge, attributes, and/or skills to earn a certain credential (e.g., degree, certificate) or succeed in a profession. Instead, objective standards or direct measures (rubrics, tests, quizzes, etc.) are needed to be established and maintained, and measured in non-subjective ways by experts with valid measures and methods to ascertain achievement of outcomes or competencies.
How is assessment data used?
Assessment is used for the continuous improvement of the organization engaging in the assessment activity or activities. Those who work with IDA+A can make decisions, modify practices, or take other actions based on our analysis of their data. For those at the beginning of their assessment journey, assessment data may be used simply to gather a baseline from which to inform future assessment.
At the outset of any project, IDA+A works with campus partners to understand and agree on how and with whom assessment data collected during the project is shared.
What is the difference between assessment and evaluation?
See above for the definition of assessment. Evaluation differs from assessment principally in its focus on the program or process rather than on the outcomes (whether they be learning, developmental, affective, kinesthetic or behavioral). As defined by Russ-Elft and Preskill (2009), “Evaluation is a form of inquiry that seeks to address critical questions concerning how well a program, process, product, system, or organization is working.”
In other words, the question is not so much “To what degree did the outcome occur?”, but is instead “Is the program or process functioning to its highest and best capacity?”
What is the difference between assessment and research?
See above for the definition of assessment. Researchis defined as “…a truth-seeking activity which contributes to knowledge, aimed at describing or explaining the world (Coryn, 2006, p.1).”
As opposed to assessment or evaluation, research focuses almost solely on contributing to a field or discipline of knowledge, rather than on making recommendations for bettering practice (namely, teaching/instruction) and, therefore, outcomes from it (namely, learning and development). Thus, the role of the assessment professional is nearly always more prescriptive than that of the researcher; in other words, the ethical assessment professional is required to suggest options for a course of action based on findings.
Further, as opposed to research, assessment is more likely to be constrained by considerations of time/resource limitations, and to be focused on “… utility, feasibility, propriety, and inclusion of stakeholders (Mathison, 2008).”
What is the difference between assessment and institutional research?
See above for the definition of assessment. “Institutional research is research conducted within an institution of higher education to provide information which supports institutional planning, policy formation and decision making” (Saupe, 1990). A variety of models exist for units of institutional research (IR) which can include IR functions such as research and planning of institutional resource allocation, evaluation and assessment activities, leadership in institutional data management and use, federal and state reporting.
IDA+A performs research, statistical and predictive analysis, and reporting for campus leaders and decision makers in support of evidence-based planning, evaluation, and assessment.
As opposed to assessment, IR is an encompassing term that includes using institutional resources for the methodological inquiry into organizational structure, function, and operations.
Is there a minimum number of individuals needed to report across various demographics?
The minimum number depends on the proportion of individuals belonging to a demographic and/or to the total number of respondents given a certain demographic, descriptor or qualifier. To protect the confidentiality of individuals belonging to demographics that are under-represented in the responses to a survey or other data collection effort, IDA+A recommends erring on the side of caution by not reporting publicly on demographics when relatively few individuals (typically, anything between 4 and 10) can be counted or grouped within specific demographic, or set of demographics, and/or comprise the total number of respondents. When data may reveal instances of inequity or discrimination, results may be reported to those who need to be aware, even when the guidelines above are not met. Please consult with a member of IDA+A’s Assessment Team, if you are in doubt.
Where can I find the most common annual survey questionnaires used at Purdue?
First, we suggest that our Purdue colleagues check out our survey calendar. If you do not find the information you seek, please contact us to ask when or how often and how (i.e., what questions) a certain construct (e.g., hope, belonging, well-being) or topic (e.g., climate academic rigor, satisfaction with advising, value-added of attending Purdue) can be found. The list of available datasets is growing, so please check back from time to time to see what new resources are available. Researchers can access data in easy-to-use Tableau search screens, or full (deidentified) datasets in Excel, SPSS or other formats to facilitate their own analysis.
Where can I find an annual calendar of survey projects currently being administered across our campus?
The survey calendar page allows the Purdue community to view the dates of large surveys being administered to students, staff, faculty, or alumni. IDA+A encourages the campus community to review the calendar to avoid scheduling surveys at the same time as others addressed to the same group.
How can I add a survey to the calendar?
To add a survey to the calendar, please fill out this form
Are surveys at Purdue confidential?
Purdue University surveys are typically confidential and are completely voluntary- i.e., respondents have the choice to skip questions they are not inclined to answer or drop out/stop out of any data collection effort at any point in time. For more information, please visit the Survey Administration section of our website.
Do all survey projects have to be submitted to the IRB for review?
No. Whether an IRB application needs to be submitted is based on whether the proposed project meets the federal definition of research; it is not based on the research or data collection method.
Who decides whether an IRB application or protocol should be submitted?
Purdue’s Human Research Protection Programwill advise and personnel on whether a project meets the federal criteria requiring the submission of an application or protocol to our IRB. Generally, projects that use survey data for internal purposes only, without the intent to publish or present the data publicly, do not require submission of an application or protocol to our IRB.
What is accreditation? Why should a university be accredited?
Accreditation is a form of external validation by a set of subject matter experts (aka, peer reviewers)—in this way institutions of higher education and some of the programs of study within them are judged by an outside agency and its members. Accreditation is a voluntary process of self-reflection and peer review that helps institutions to identify opportunities and challenges throughout the university and its programs. Academic institutions and programs use accreditation to ensure that they are meeting established standards of educational quality.
Specialized, or professional, accreditors evaluate specific programs (e.g., Masters in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Arts in Art History ). Not dissimilar to the regional or institutional accreditation bodies, these agencies are evaluating the continuous improvement processes and assessment measures we have in place to ensure we are continually improving our curricula, and confirm what we're teaching is relevant and valuable in the workplace, but within a particular area or program of study. Specialized accreditation requires that every aspect of a program is reviewed—courses, assignments, facilities, faculty, curriculum, and funding, to name a few.
Accreditation, whether regional/institutional or specialized, is a multi-year process and requires a significant investment of time on the part of our faculty and staff. Purdue knows that this is time well spent, because it provides a measure of assurance for students, their families, and other stakeholders, that we are doing what we say we are doing and providing what we say we are providing—i.e., fulfilling our missions.
What role does IDA+A play in accreditation?
For our regional accreditation process, IDA+A team members serve on a multi-disciplinary HLC “Lean Team” with the task of gathering, confirming, and maintaining data throughout the university for various required accreditation activities (4-year reassurance, quality initiative, and reaccreditation) and other submissions or sharing of information (e.g., institutional data update).
For specialized accreditation, we work with assessment professionals within a college to collect or share data specific to their reporting requirements (administration and staff information, faculty qualifications and course loads, salary, budget information, etc.) for their accredited program(s). We also offer our knowledge and expertise to inform their various assessment and accreditation protocols or activities.
Where should I direct questions or comments about Purdue’s HLC accreditation?
The Office of the Provost oversees our institutional accreditation activities. Please direct questions to Dr. Catherine Golden, Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives.
When was Purdue last reviewed for accreditation?
Purdue’s most recent accreditation review by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (HLC) was in October 2019. As a result, Purdue received formal notification of its continued 10-year, unrestricted, or open-pathway, accreditation. The lengthy process included a written self-study report with input from a large number of Purdue faculty and staff, and an extensive visit from an HLC external peer review team. Purdue has been accredited continually since 1913 and will be evaluated again in 2029-30.
Data Science & Engineering
What are predictive analytics?
Predictive analytics is the use of data, statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data. The goal is to go beyond knowing what has happened to providing a best assessment of what will happen in the future.
What is PDAP?
PDAP stands for Purdue Data Analytics Platform. It is comprised of two platforms:
The Greenplum Database
The High-Compute Research Platform Zeus
These platforms facilitate faculty research and cutting-edge data science projects.
What is Greenplum?
Greenplum is a massively parallel processing (MPP) distributed database designed for analytics. It serves as secondary storage for several datasets across campus, allowing IDA+A to quickly and easily combine disparate data sources together to complete novel projects.
What is Zeus?
Zeus is a high-compute machine with 4 NVIDIA A100 GPUs, 96 processors and 1 TB RAM. It is used for cutting-edge experimentation including Generative AI using Large Language Models (LLMs) as well as faculty research.
How does Purdue make Artificial Intelligence decisions and ensure that data is used ethically?
Any time artificial intelligence is being used to power decision making in a way that has potential downsides, IDA+A partners with the Data Governance Board to analyze, deliberate, and make recommendations about appropriate uses of data. More information is available on the Data Governace Board's webpage. More information about the Board and the decision-making process is available on the IDA+A website.
What types of data science projects does IDA+A do?
The data science team has a broad mandate. Our team has done work with academic units to predict student success, has worked with energy & utilities to help predict utility usage, worked with the registrar to build degree requirements as complex graphs, and more. If you have a data project with a predictive component, or that seems more novel or complicated than something the industry has done before, we can likely help in some way.
What data sources are available in PDAP?
The Greenplum database stores data from several sources. Some of the heavily used data sources are:
Student Systems
Data from the Banner Student System pertaining to courses, instruction, student applications, admissions, grades, and profiles.
Student Housing
Data pertaining to student residence halls and housing options.
Retail Dining Data pertaining to retail dining choices in residential halls and other university locations.
Card Services
Data pertaining to card swipes for accessing academic buildings and the Recwell Center, purchasing meals or supplies in dining halls, and On-the-GO locations.
Wireless Access Logs
Data pertaining to mobile and other devices connected to Purdue’s Wi-Fi network access points.
Learning Management Systems
Blackboard Learn and Brightspace
Contact Tracing
Contact Tracing data shared with Protect Purdue Health Center during COVID.
COVID Testing
COVID Test Results data from COVID test administered by various vendors for Purdue.
Degree Audit Data
Data pertaining to the progress a student has made towards a degree and the courses required to graduate from Degreeworks and Edunav.
Course scheduling data.
Data pertaining to the various spaces on the Purdue campus including, but not limited to the location, size and purpose.
Slate – Undergraduate and Graduate
Undergraduate and graduate pre-entry data pertaining to potential new students and their applications.
PREMIS (Purdue Registration and Event Management Information System)
Registration data for Virtual Student Transition, Advising, and Registration (VSTAR) and Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) orientation programs for incoming students.
Student Organizations (BoilerLink) Data pertaining to student organizations.
Boilerconnect Data from BoilerConnect - a student success system that links staff, faculty, and students in a coordinated support network.
Surveys SERU - Student Experience in the Research University Student Orientation
Data from the tool used to submit, review, and approve curriculum and course proposals.
Erwin, T.D. (1991). Assessing Student Learning and Development: A Guide to the Principles, Goals, and Methods of Determining College Outcomes.
Ewell, P. T. (2009, November). Assessment, accountability, and improvement: Revisiting the tension. (Occasional Paper No. 1). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA).
Palomba, C. and Banta, T.W. (1999) Assessment Essentials: Planning, Implementing, and Improving Assessment in Higher Education. Jossey-Bass, Inc., San Francisco.
Saupe, J. L. (1990, March). The Functions of Institutional Research, 2nd Edition. The Association for Institutional Research.
Upcraft, M.L., & Schuh, J.H. (1996). Assessment in Student Affairs: A Guide for Practitioners. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series.