Giant Leaps for Global Impact

Giant Leaps for Global Impact is a bold, multiyear initiative that underscores Purdue’s commitment to international education and research, transnational partnerships, and the values of a modern global land-grant university. 
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A cornerstone of the campaign is the new Global Impact Fund, designed to catalyze international collaboration and innovation through eight distinct grant programs targeting all Purdue stakeholders, including students, faculty, and staff. 
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Study Abroad Photo Contest Winner, 2016: Catherine Bylak, Thailand Temple View

International Travel Decision Matrix

Faculty/staff overseeing students or student groups going to destinations under a level of L2-EIC-CAWHSR or higher need to first request an exception of the Purdue Security and Risk Assessment Committee two months in advance. Use the information on this page to determine if you need to request an exception for your travel.

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