MaPSAC Management and Professional Staff Advisory Committee

SuccessFactors implementation caused overpayments, underpayments to some Purdue employees

Purdue’s new SuccessFactors system controls:

  • Organization and positions
  • Recruiting
  • Onboarding
  • Timekeeping
  • Leave requests
  • Employee data changes
  • Goals and performance
  • Merit and compensation

The go-live date for SuccessFactors occurred over the winter recess and overlapped the new calendar year, creating a perfect storm for the implementation team. As with any implementation, there were a few hiccups along the way. One of them has been payment issues within SuccessFactors. This issue hasn’t affected all areas of campus, but some individual colleges were impacted heavily — mainly due to alternative work shifts such as 10–12 hour days and on-call and/or emergency call-backs for employees.

Kathleen Thomason, senior director, comptroller, was asked to provide an update at APSAC’s February meeting. She provided information about the process and history of the implementation and shared how the University plans to address all of the issues with scheduling. There are meetings taking place with the implementation teams and the colleges affected by the timekeeping issues to get it all sorted out.

The implementation team and business offices are working tirelessly to resolve issues quickly. If you have any questions about underpayments or overpayments, please reach out to your individual business office manager.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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